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Old 2008-10-06, 03:25   Link #72
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Originally Posted by Lie View Post
Klashikari and several others have already voiced most of my opinions and so I won't waste anyones time to repeat them here. This season with all its ups and downs, on the entertainment level would be a 10/10, on the 'was it actually a good story that I'd consider watching again' level it would be a 5/10. Season 1 is close to a 10/10 in both respects but Season 2 was nothing more than an empty bucket of air. It failed to deliver in everything except the 'shock factor' and a good ending. (Seriously, if I sit down to watch it again I'll likely be spending more time laughing at certain characters and how little they did Kanon, Gino, Anya, the entire KoR except Suzaku, Xingke, and so on.)

But I rated this on the overall series scale, both series included, so I voted 8/10, rounded up. 5/10 for R2.
In my opinion. Gino has to be one of the worst developed characters in anime history. At no point did it ever make sense what he was fighting for. When he asked himself that after Suzaku defeated him. I asked the very same thing.
He seemed so angry that Schneizel was going to assassinate Charles, but for some reason sides with him for the final battle. Why was it he was so angry with Lelouch when came out sitting in the Emperor's chair? It's not like he ever had a personal grudge against him.
Gino spent his whole season always so clingy to Suzaku, but they never really made much of a connection.

The only thing we ever really learned about him is that he comes from a rich family, came from a VERY high class school (I thought Ashford was high class), and wanted to see Suzaku smile.
He was also completely out of the loop. Through the entire series did he ever learn anything? Like that Lelouch was the original Zero, or about the Geass?
It's not like he was that impressive of a KMF pilot. His only real victories in battle were against minor characters.
At no time did he ever have any influence to the plot. Look at when Anya and Gino joined Ashford. Anya joined to find out about Lelouch. That linked to one of the greatest mysteries of the series, Marianne's death.
Gino joined for the fun.

Take Gino completely out of the story; and what is missing?
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