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Old 2008-10-05, 05:42   Link #57
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: England
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Their was several things that led to the Black Knights betrayal of Lelouch I can't list them all, and V.V's only purpose was to give Charles immortality, and kill Marianne.
And to make Nunnaly witness to Marianne "Death". And remember that Marianne's death was important to Lelouch for most of the series. He also gave Rolo his Geass and used him, kidnapped Nunnaly at the black rebellion which caused the fall of Lelouch and the Black Knights.

It seems to me that Lelouch and Schneizel where seeking war, neither side never even gave peace a chance. When the oppurtunity rose Schneizel built a Doom Fortress while Lelouch brainwashed soldiers.
Both were trying to create peace, perhaps through methods we would disagree with. Peace was their final goal. Sometimes, if you want peace, you must prepare for war and what not.
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