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Old 2004-05-08, 16:39   Link #68
merely a ghost
Join Date: Jan 2003
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by imakewaterz0r
i thought hawkeye is one of the can he have a bounty...or is he ever a pirate b4?
imakewaterz0r-san, the Shichibukai is simply a special group of pirates selected by the Marine. Seven pirates are selected by the Marine, and these seven pirates form the Shichibukai. Their job is to policy the Grand Line.
Every pirate has a bounty, so they're no exception. Even though they're rated as "Wanted", the Marine don't arrest them, once they're part of the Shichibukai. The reason that they're accepted in the Shichibukai is that they pay a tax (give a part of their treasure) to the Marine, once per month, or per year. They're dogs of the Government, although they act as they want unless they're called to a reunion (and not every time they attend to it). It may sound like a paradox, but they're basically "pirates of the Marine".

As for an example, we have Crocodile. He is part of the Shichibukai, and his bounty is B$81 milion
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