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Old 2008-10-01, 12:43   Link #95
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
I have an objetion to this topic.
Starting with "The Salute: Both or One?" and contining with
"Macross Frontier: Homages to Past Macrosses", it's clear that the second choice is just an extension of the first one.
Who really think there will be a discussion about the homage to Minmei like with the doll ?
Who really thinks people will talk about by example the landing made by Hiakru , which was the perfect copy of Alto's one ?
People said in the 25 thread that the idea of denying ,the salute was just for Sheryl is silly and even talked about trolling and pure shipping.
I do not know why now people want to discuss about it since they clearly claim there wasn't any meaning for that.
I just notice I 'm speaking but my opinion doesn't count here
But I couldn't help myself, and just wanted to say it.
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