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Old 2008-09-22, 21:21   Link #55
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
My vote would go towards Shinkirou. Even if it's not possible to keep the Absolute Defense up without brilliant calculations, there are ways to calculate the data from other sources, the main issues would be inputting which is much more realistic and possible even for me. The ability of multi-terrain and grunt killing is just an added bonus from there.

For a second favorite, I guess I'd have to pick Mordred. It's not so much the heavy offense but the overall performance. Even if it's not really mobile, it's sturdy enough as it is, and I'd picture it winning in a all out endurance, since it's got those missiles which would draw the energy strain away from the Hadron Cannons.

Third is quite a tossup for me, but I guess it's gotta be the Akatsuki. I've always loved the simplistic and practical uses of the unit, plus it's very versatile, and can match up to most other units if piloted right.
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