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Old 2004-05-03, 03:44   Link #47
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Maceart
alright this anime's been haunting me for years

it's from around 1995ish

It's about this boy who got transported to another world, and everyone in this world is a "warrior" and there's two sides. The evil guy is this guy in red armor, and he defeated this guy in green armor.

The goal of the good guys was to "power" the time crystals (or something...) and open a gate to the world they came from. The opposing group is there to stop them.

plz help!
Doesn't quite fit your discription, but could it be vision of escaflowne? A girl gets transported to another world, where they use mechs called gai melefs(sp?) that look like giant suits of armor. The mechs are powered by crystals called drag energists. Plus one of the villians has a red gai melef. It's from 1996, I believe, so it sort of fits your timeline. If the guy with the red armor was a pyromaniac, then I'd bet this is the series your thinking of.
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