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Old 2008-09-05, 03:00   Link #65
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
The way I see it, there seems to be some sort of special fist time seeing it experience, for them.
I don't know, something to do with it's overall presentation? maybe.

I somewhat get the feeling even if it's pretty damn bad and they hate it they might like to watch it and somewhat take pleasure in watching it; even if it is like I said, horrible. At least that's how I understand it from the people continously explaing how bad spoilers are. It doesn't make too much sense to me, it's not like someone else is thinking for you or your not the one taking in the same grane of information, but they're clingy to that way of thinking so I don't really feel like arguing over it. (there's not a lot of good that would do anyway)
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