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Old 2008-09-04, 22:55   Link #64
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
Originally Posted by Vivio Testarossa View Post
Why exactly is is so important to "protect" those "who don't know" from "spoilers"? I don't recall them ASKING to be protected, from being "spoiled"?

What happens when one mod says post X is a spoiler (because what constitutes a "spoiler" is subjective, not objective), and anther says post X isn't a spoiler? Since it doesn't say how this is to be resolved as such...
Moderator A bans/delete UserX/PostX
Moderator B unbans/undeletes UserX/PostX
Moderator A bans/deletes UserX/PostX
Moderator B unbans/undeletes UserX/PostX


Moderator A bans/delete UserX/PostX
Moderator B unbans/undeletes UserX/PostX
Moderator C bans/deletes UserX/PostX
Moderator D unbans/undeletes UserX/PostX

Also what prevents someone who has only watched up to episode 5 of AnimeX from going into a thread for episode 9, and clicking "Report" on EVERY post?
Just to elaborate a bit further on what NightWish has already explained, every active moderator has contributed to create the current spoiler policy. Believe it or not, it took us months to get the proper wording before all of us could come to an agreement. I hear you about the points you are trying to highlight, but as NightWish has very aptly put, we do trust and respect each other's decision that are made. In this case, we haven't gotten into any disagreement, the kind you've highlighted, just because all of us are responsible for putting this spoiler policy in place. Yeap, it has never happened where another moderator has undeleted/unbanned Userx/Postx when another moderator has deleted/banned the same Userx/Postx.

Granted, a moderator can make a mistake, but it won't be another moderator who will fix the mistake. It will be brought to the attention of the original moderator in question, and that moderator will decide for his/herself how to act on it.

We are a pretty tightly knit group. Good thoughts by the way!
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