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Old 2008-08-21, 08:45   Link #46
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
You say that, and yet you make the objective to keep anyone wishing to discuss things in a non-episodic way of thinking out, instead of simply preventing people who can get spoiled from being spoiled. As if, people who read the source material and are a large part of the target audience (in most cases) are strictly inferior to first time watchers; most of which just care to be "surprised" (whatever that means) by episodic events rather then a constructive opinion on the larger picture.

It's pretty easy for some of us to see it as censorship when you think about how it works.
But I'm sure you don't deny it to be that anyway...

And, to be clear, spoilers are allowed on these boards, but, as Daniel E. said, they have to be in the proper places. If you want to talk about things that happen in the manga, do it in the manga thread. It's not hard. The idea is that people should be allowed to carry on a conversation with people with their same level of exposure to the property. And if you know something that other viewers don't because you've spoiled yourself, you're not doing the less-exposed any favours by telling them what happens next. They're not going to be "blessed" by your spoilers, just because you really reallywant to talk about it. That being said, I can totally relate to the frustration, as someone who sometimes is more-or-less fluent in the source material for the some of these shows.
Correct me if I'm wrong...
Because I liked the manga for a certain anime, if I want to talk about it and the anime I would go post in (of all places) the manga/novel thread? Or, god forbid, create a thread in the Manga subforum for the sake of nothing more then discussing the anime?!

Maybe I just think differently the problem, an analogy: I have a thread Plants and a thread, let's just say, Grass. I make a post talking about grass. Because I'm not a complete stranger to biology I also use terms and make speculations and affirmations based on plants, but in the end my post is still not doing anything more other then talking about grass. According to you my post should go in Plants.

the policy itself is a "living document" that's always subject to review and change based on everyone's feedback
policy = favor some and defavor others
No matter how much the sympathy or commotion for the policy to be implemented you should try to keep a more neutral stand and take more consideration on the options you give when writing some other future policy. In this one at least you've taken the anime-only watchers side and their solutions to theirs and the world's problems. I can't help but read it as "for the good of anime-only watchers" rather then "for the good of everyone".
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