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Old 2008-08-13, 09:55   Link #2
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I just released revision 5. Here's quick rundown on the changes:

New Features:
  • Stream selection
    The gui will detect video and audio streams as well as internal subtitle streams and external subtitle files. Those streams can be selected and switched as the movie is playing. Currently, if no stream is explicitly selected with -sid,-aid,-vid or -slang,-alang, mplayer will not report which stream it has chosen and the gui cannot display the selection. Though as soon as you select a stream, it will reflect that in the menus.
  • ASL Logging
    The code had been using NSLog() for all it's logging and redirected the output to a logfile. In Leopard, that redirection didn't work anymore as all message were also sent to system.log. I've now switched to ASL. All messages are now logged to ~/Library/Logs/MPlayerOSX.log, while critical messages are also logged to system.log
  • New Icon
    I couldn't find any good hi-res source of the current icon and I liked the one from the Tango Project, which is available in glorious SVG.
  • New Name
    I decided to change the name of my revision to "MPlayer OSX Extended". The goal is still to feed as many changes as possible back to the original project but I guess there will be always a place for a version from the most current SVN. Also, this way, both versions can live happily side-by-side on the same system.
  • Video View ("MPlayer OSX" video output only)
    When switching videos, the video view was always closing and reopening. I fixed it to stay open if playback is not stopped but just switching to another video. This works for opening video files as well as the playlist.
  • Playlist
    When dragging a video to the playlist, any playback was being interrupted. MPlayer OSX now uses an own mplayer instances to do preflights so adding and playing can be done at the same time. Also, the GUI no longer flickers when doing a preflight and MPlayer remembers if the playlist was opened when it quit.
  • Volume
    It's no possible to mute and un-mute audio by clicking on the volume icon. There are also new menu items and keyboard shortcuts for changing the volume. Also, when changing volume in mplayer (using 9 and 0, normally), the change will be picked up by the GUI.
  • Menu Controls
    Playback and playlist commands are now accessible as menus and have keyboard shortcuts assigned to them. Also, Command-W now works for closing the main window and the playlist.
  • Screenshots
    Taking screenshots was broken in the last revision due to a bug in the configure script. Not it's working again (yay! my first patch!).

The current revision is available here:
MPlayer OSX Extended (en) | nimmermehr (de) | sttz (de) |
Life is a game whose first rule is: This is not a game, this is dead serious.

Last edited by anime_layer; 2008-08-13 at 10:19.
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