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Old 2008-06-28, 04:17   Link #11
Join Date: Dec 2006
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
P.S - Btw, have you heard the drama CD sample(s) on their website ?

The first one has Touma, Index and Mikoto going about in a... Cafe?

(My Japanese listening skills is Lv 0.5... A abit, but still not enough )
Both were pretty funny.
Besides for Mikoto (and a bit of Touma), the voices for Index and Kuroko were a bit different from what I expected... This cast isn't bad, but I wouldn't mind a new cast for the anime.
And listening to the lightning... ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow...

I haven't listened to the actual drama CD yet though.
I was thinking about listening to it, but I stopped myself since I didn't really know the characters and it would be kind of pointless to listen to it while not knowing anything. I might go back and listen to it, though there are still some characters I don't know...

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