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Old 2008-06-18, 14:47   Link #165
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
The business dealings in this show can get confusing at times...

Nevertheless, here is my read:

(1) Lemerio originally planned to smuggle X amount of gold. However, they could only acquire Y, a much smaller amount.

(2) The value of the gold goes up tenfold if the smuggling is successful.

(3) Lawrence and co. cannot smuggle the gold without Lemerio's help.

(4) In the end, Lawrence cuts a deal with Lemerio so that they can keep enough money to save the company. In return Lemerio owes money to the guild. The leader of the guild gives Lawrence an advance so he can pay off his debts.

(1) Lemerio's head was very dumb. Lawrence and co. were obviously small-timers and could be bought on the cheap. They had a dozen guards surveying the situation, and that was all the "insurance" they really needed.

(2) Lawrence negotiated a very shrewd deal. Nice recovery after the disastrous deal with the armor.

(3) Looks like Lawrence adds another name to his telephone book - after scratching Chloe's name off the list. Lawrence, I'd advise you to be a little more discreet from now on - especially with Horo still around.
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