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Old 2008-05-23, 13:47   Link #39
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Kentucky!
Age: 37
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1. Personality
1. Well, I'm pretty quit most of the time. Mainly on the internets though. I hear I'm a riot in irl, but who am I to say?
2. The thing that bothers me the most is when groups sub random episode. Like one day they sub episode 2 of something, then the next day they release episode 80 of a series that they haven't even done before. I can't stand when they do that. Does no one care to be consistent?
3. It's just fun. You get to watch anime, what's wrong about that?
4. I've always used the name I'm using now: digiboy123.

2. Mission
1. Same reason I said a while ago. Because it's fun. And for other groups to return the favor and subtitle anime for me to watch. >8D
2. Cuz' i'm ttly bored ya! That and i have nothing else to do besides college stuffs.
3. The first sub I ever watched was probably back in 2000.
4. I started fansubbing about Fall 2006.
5. Fansubbing is bringing Japanese anime shows to those that aren't fluent in Japanese with English subtitles. That's basically it.

3. Groups
1. • DATS - Editor, QCer, maybe a timer, upscripter.
• Mishicorp - Editor, maybe an upscritper every now and then.
2. I still work with these two groups.
3. I have worked with Black Lotus, and Anime-Empire.
4. I've been a freelancer once or twice, yes.

4. Projects
1. I enjoy working on action, shounen and historical. FUN! But whatever, I'll work on any show.
2. Yeah, I've worked on shows that I don't like. I help fansub them because i know there is at least one person out there that wants to watch it, so i think of them.

6. Jobs
1. Currently, I'm just an editor. Real life prohibits me!
2. I can edit, TL Check, time, upscript, QC. Everything except karaoke, typesetting and encode.
3. Editor and QCer are my favs.

7. Other Plans
1. I'll probably quit when I die. That or when I don't feel like spending hours to sub cartoons.
2. When do I plan to train others? Lulz. Never. I had to learn for myself. It's not that hard!
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? - Nope. There's many guides and tutorials already out there.
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