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Old 2008-05-20, 12:47   Link #38
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
- Describe yourself.
24, British.
- What attributes do you dislike about fansubbing?
Groups not announcing projects in advance.
- What attributes do you like about fansubbing?
- What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
Grv, Groove

- Why do you fansub in the first place?
Learning Japanese.
- Why do you continue fansubbing?
Still learning Japanese.
- When did you start fansubbing?
When I formed Yoroshiku in February 2006.
- Define fansubbing or state the mission of fansubbing.
"Subtitles provided by fans, for fans at no profit".

- List your current groups and your positions within those groups
Yoroshiku - Founder/Various
Mendoi - Timer
Animeforever - Timer
Menclave - QC
MUJI - Timer, QC
- List the groups you've worked with
- List the groups you've worked with in the past
Hell Fansubs
- Do you freelance?
Haven't yet.

- What kind of series/genre do you enjoy working on?
A mixture: some shounen/shoujo shows have their appeal for a short time but I would prefer to work on seinen/josei on an enduring basis.
- Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why are you working on them?
I have worked on series I don't like and still do. The reason is simply to keep people happy. It's a small sacrifice to make to work on something you're not keen on now so that others will work on shows you wish to in the future.

- Why did you start a group?
At the time it seemed like a good way to become more involved with this (at the time) new fascinating idea of "anime".
- If the group is functioning very well, why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful?
Opinions will vary on what functioning "well" is, but in my personal opinion Yoroshiku delivers episodes in a reasonably timely fashion and hopefully to a standard acceptable to the viewers. As for the whats and why of how things are running "well", I would have to say it ultimately comes down to compromise and accepting the opinions of others. For example in the context of project selection I selected Kekkaishi on the recommendation of a QCer and Chi's Sweet Home because our main editor has an affinity for cats.

- What are your current fansubbing jobs?
Timer, Translator (Chi's Sweet Home), Quality Control, Editor
- Which fansubbing jobs can you do?
As above with perhaps the additions of encoding but I prefer to assign roles to people who are specialists.
- What are your favourite fansubbing jobs?
Distro - the satisfaction of actually getting to release something after all the hard work that has gone into it!

Other Plans
- When are you planning to retire from fansubbing?
Things will probably come to a natural end but I would like to believe I can complete some older neglected series before that time such as Oishinbo and Monkey Turn.
- Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
I'm already in the process of bringing slightly-less-than-qualified staffers onboard. The idea being to pair them with more experienced people within the group and to secure staff for future projects.
- Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
Unless I come up with something revolutionary I doubt there would be much need for my own personal input. There are people in a much better position to share their knowledge than I, and there is still much to learn before I would consider anything I wrote on the topic to be authoritative.
Yoroshiku Fansubs: Website | Twitter | IRC
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