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Old 2008-05-19, 14:10   Link #46
Yuki-ist and Hina-geek
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles
Originally Posted by WanderingKnight View Post
(By the way, there seems to be a feature request dealing with this in the mplayer mailing list, but it's a year old and no one replied to it ).
I re-requested that feature on the 14th and received a reply that encouraged me to forward it to ffmpeg-users. I just got around to doing that today, and I'll see what happens with that.

There is one other question about linked .mkv I found in my archive of the mplayer-users list, and the only reply brings up the security question again.

I don't subscribe to the dev lists, but it's nice to see that there is some (guarded) interest in adding the feature.

Not that I use VLC, but if the feature is added to ffmpeg, does VLC also pick up the ability to play Ordered Chapters?
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