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Old 2008-05-19, 12:00   Link #36
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Virginia Tech
  1. Personality
    1. Describe about yourself
      Well, I'm a female in college who loves anime. That's a rarity in itself. I don't have many friends in real life, but I am close to the few that I do have. I like relaxing activities, and a bit of senseless repitition isn't bad. I'm an introvert, and I can be stubborn. Basically... Think Nagisa from Clannad. She's kind of like my personality's identical twin. XD
    2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
      I hate it when groups release shows at a slow rate for quality, forcing many leechers to wait for quality they do not want. I'd much rather have them release a v1 at speed for the leeches, and a v2 for archivers.
      I also hate it when a fansub group thinks they are amazing for releasing one episode. You do not judge your fansubs, the leechers do.
    3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
      I like the team effort, and the friends you can make in doing it. I also like helping people who don't understand Japanese see anime.
    4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
      I use the name "Kristen" right now. I used to use "ChrissieXD", but when I cut my hair in March, I suddenly wanted to be called by my real name. Don't know why.
  2. Mission
    1. Why do you fansub in the first place?
      To help people who don't understand japanese so they are able to watch it in their native language, and to facilitate other languages to start their own projects, since most go English->Their language
    2. Why do you continue fansubbing?
      Because I still want to help out, and people are liking what I'm doing.
    3. When are you into fansubbing?
      Mainly weekends. Friday->Sunday are my busiest times this season.
    4. When do you start fansubbing?
      I started in January of this year. However, that's fansubbing in general. For my present job of a timer, just this March.
    5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
      To be used as a tool for people to read anime, and to be as minimalistic as possible
  3. Groups
    1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
      Chihiro: Timer, Encoder, Editor, Co-Webmaster, Co-Founder
      TK: Timer
      Moetaku: Timer
      Tweakanime: Timer
    2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now
      See above.
    3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
      See above.
    4. Do you freelance?
      Not for a real sub. I'll freelance a parody sub occassionally.
  4. Projects
    1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
      I love the harem genre in general. Easy to work on, easy to watch, and nice stories. Note that this means things like M;Y, Clannad, or Kanon. A tradition harem.
    2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
      I am working on two series I don't like now. One of them I got forced into accidentally. Simply, I joined a group because they were subbing a show, and they told me to sub the other show. The second is because I don't want to leave that group yet, and that show is my only project with them.
  5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
    1. Do tell why do you start a group?
      Because I was sick and tired of groups calling themselves "Speedsubs", but still did TLC, QC, and Karaoke. Especially groups that say "We're speedsubs! We have the 1st episode ready. Just waiting on kara."
    2. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.
    3. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this
      We're not really stalling too much on anything. A lot of the reason is because we lack raws, so most of our releases got pushed be a day.
    4. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
      We release frequently, and only do shows because we want to do them. We also are not bottlenecked anywhere, since we only have 2 steps to a release, TL and Time. By eliminating steps where a lot of groups get stalled (TLC, Kara, Typesetting), we make a lot of releases, get a lot of leeches, and keep morale/motivation high.
  6. Jobs
    1. What are your current fansubbing jobs
      Timing, Encoding (Not real encoding. Just, run the scripts I have)
    2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
      Timing, Editing, Encoding, and maybe French translation if I sat down for a day
    3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
      Oddly, I love timing. It's always fun to race against the clock to see how fast you can time 25 minutes. Plus, it's a lot of music and stuff, so it's fun. Also, it allows me to rewatch and episode once I'm done without needing to stop. I find pre-timing to be even more fun for those same reasons. XD
    4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
      Timing - Aligning audio to subtitles, and then making the subs easy to read.
  7. Other Plans
    1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
      When I get bored of it.
    2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
      I've already trained people. XD
    3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
      Possibly. I'll probably make a timing tutorial eventually to show the basics of timing, with a special section to say how to time fast.
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