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Old 2008-05-14, 15:59   Link #91
Go to DMC! Go to DMC!
Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf View Post
Just because they made a heart sign while fighting does not mean Alto wants a loli in his harem.
Indeed. It's just they wanted to tie the two things together, so having the fighters creating contrails in the first place, much less a heart shape, was just a matter of artistic license. And, as Bobby notes, it's VERY artistic.

Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf View Post
Interstingly the age of 17 is the age of majority in Frontier. As Ozma is advising Ranka who is 16.
Isn't she 15? Ranka, that is? Alto's 16, and Sheryl's 17 if I remember things correctly. Which means she's still not going to reach her majority for at least a year or two.

Originally Posted by 4Tran
What Sheryl's description suggests is that every fleet has the freedom to organize these capacities in different manners. Frontier is much like Macross 7 in that it uses specialized ships for different purposes. The contrast with Macross Galaxy is that it seems the latter's Island One also contains a fair amount of industry, and that it doesn't have the aesthetic touches that Frontier has. It's also a good idea to keep in mind that Sheryl's account may be colored by the fact that she doesn't like Galaxy; and that it might be much nicer than she makes it sound.
This also seems to apply to personnel as well - Sheryl describes Galaxy as having no Zentradi/Meltlandi amongst them, which is part of why she was so surprised to see them in their giant state. And Sheryl's account is probably colored by her experiences with it... but even then, it sounds like the Frontier's designers did deliberately set out to make things very aesthetic, to judge by some of the touches we've seen (large bodies of water, actual islands within the island if I remember the layout that we saw from that sky-based observation platform).
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