Thread: Macross - Q & A
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Old 2008-05-11, 01:59   Link #99
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Originally Posted by ipernorris View Post
Well there are other ones... like the space shuttle destruction. Gattai says Ranka is one of the survivors, while I-Z that Ranka is the ONLY survivor. It's quite a difference IMHO. Ah and the thing the blue haired Meltradi said when she jumped on the red bug's head: I heard "osoi" and I remember that this word means "it's too slow". When I saw the raw I thought she referred to the beam gun speed, but I-Z translated in "only a scratch". Uhm can you clear this thing please?
Actually Klan says "asai" which translates as shallow or superficial, or in that scene's context as just a scratch.

As for the survivors issue, well it's clear that Ranka wasn't the only survivor and in ep 5 when Leon summons the people that had contact with the Vajra, among them survivors from the 117 survey fleet.

I only understand like 70-80% of what I hear but I'm really picky on the stuff I can understand. And as such my preference for archival purposes is Menclave's encode, I then extract the script file and edit it combining all 4 groups translations since their right and wrongs are spread among them. Actually one of the early lines in ep 2, only Shinsen & Menclave got it right.

Last edited by Inquisidor; 2008-05-11 at 07:23.
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