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Old 2008-05-10, 11:45   Link #28
Catholic = Cat addiction?
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: MURICA!!
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
A Zentrady sized sandwich would have to be reinforced with steel, or it'd fall apart. And clothes, which have already been mentioned. And movie theaters places. Or real estate. Everything would be much more expansive.

It'd be different if going back and forth was difficult and they had to choose once and for all, but Klan seems to show it isn't so (her lolification notwithstanding.)
I think there had been an undocumented agreement that Zents should miclone in certain areas of the colonies. Giants however, are obviously banned from Earth save for probably one certain supreme commander of the UN SPACY.

Obviously due to what you stated about simple economics. As for food consumption, fortunately, I've not spotted one Zent eating in Town Folmo, because imagine what'd happen if the food drops on ya. I'd imagine they miclone if they wish to consume human food. Back in the good ol' days, Zents probably get food 'stuffs' pipped down their throats. It wasn't until the Zents micloned themselves did they first tasted human food. So I would imagine them having to miclone before eating a proper meal. Ie. Quran Quran.

Still, its a pride issue. A lot of Zents felt their pride being stripped away for having to miclone themselves, and that pride is often the source of many rebellions occurring around territories occupied by the UN SPACY. After all, the Zents had conquered many worlds, and with each world they've never micloned themselves. We also cannot assume that every inhabitable planet is specifically tailored for humans. Obviously the need for giants still exist.

- Tak
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