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Old 2008-05-09, 01:59   Link #27
False Dawn
Florsheim Monster
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: UK
[Fansubbers] Stroke your e-penis here

Subject in question: FalseDawn (also answers to movax)

Rather than doing a wall of text, I thought I'd just write a paragraph (to jump on the bandwagon, y'know). I'm an editor/timer/qcer who's been in far too many groups in his time, though I've whittled it down to three active groups -- believe me, that's plenty -- Saizen, Umai and Ureshii. I started fansubbing in Spring 2006, editing Solar's Ouran, and in those first few months, learnt timing. From there, I've subbed a number of series that I don't remember and one that was fairly well-received by others (Umai's Romeo x Juliet).

Likes: The em-dash, unusual words, alpha timing, Ishie, TheFluff's explanations.
Dislikes: Projects stalling because of TS, bad editing, bad timing, Shinsen, Your-Mom/Ayako, AEN, dattebayo, fail groups, anidb's rating system, joke subs, trolls, "Englishlising", gx_st, SERIOUS BUSINESS, long meaningless lists.

My mission is to make SayaSP a household name.

Last edited by False Dawn; 2008-05-14 at 16:58. Reason: I've been englishlising my post...
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