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Old 2008-05-08, 23:45   Link #26
Join Date: Jan 2006
a. hi
b. .avi faggots, shitsubbers
c. .mkv, drama
d. Hisana, Meer, etc.

a. fucknuts
b. it's fun to fuck around with other groups, really.
c. if there's something I find interesting.
d. summer 2004
e. prove to american licensors that they would die w/o fansubs. i'm looking at you bandai! *____*

a. none right now --> "retired"
b. .../me smacks pichus
c. Menclave, Mendoi, Diffusion, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.
d. if i likes you enough. :>

a. mostly mecha (Gundam) and drama (ef - a tale of memories.) series.
b. i might not care about the series itself, but the music might be nice!

a. mendoi. the other founder and i got tired of playing mmorpgs. no way.
b. it died about 3 times, because the editor was a lazy fuck which made the tl/founder run away. :'(
c. still alive, but stalled due to editing.
d. menclave (the gayer half)'s successful, i guess? lol

a. song tl/hunter, karaoke timer, karaoke effects, fill bitch, and some other crap.
b. if I really tried/cared, almost everything except encoding (computer-tan is old T__T) and editing (editors are hosers).
c. song tl/hunter - only good if the song is nice + hunting is fun
d. it's what the title says &__&

a. yes i am. would you like to recommend me a mmorpg?
b. lol, no.
c. nah.
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