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Old 2008-05-08, 21:27   Link #24
Join Date: Aug 2004
  1. Personality
    1. Describe about yourself: Eh... I hate this question... stupid interviews... >.<;;
    2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? Group specific: fansub groups that don't care about the quality of releases, yet claim that they do, but still release episodes that haven't been reviewed for errors; generally unmotivated and immature staff; Scene-specific: series that are oversubbed by groups who cannot do a series proper justice in fansubbing basics (decent English, typesetting, timing) that a former-QCer can still pick up; Groups who do not try to improve. (I guess I'm one of those old-guard and elitist fansubbers.)
    3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? JP anime >> US cartoon series these days. 'nuff said.
    4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? chaos4ever, c4e, wraith- (>_>);;
  2. Mission
    1. Why do you fansub in the first place? Hopped on as QC just to try it out.
    2. Why do you continue fansubbing? Out of habit, also hoping I'll be able to fansub a series that I enjoy working on to its entirety, though that will most likely not happen. Also for the glory and the girls.. pfft. yeah. right.
    3. When are you into fansubbing? Uhm... when shows interest me? When I'm bored?
    4. When do you start fansubbing? 2004, QC for Anime-Kraze. Back when it was actually easy to get in <_<;;
    5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub: Fansubs translate foreign media into a native language which a viewer can view the translations through subtitles. Fansubs can be done however people want to do it, via .ass, .srt, .sub files. However, I put anime fansubs on a much higher standard, since there are so many resources out there in the large fansubbing community.
  3. Groups
    1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s): Menclave: TS/AFxer. More like the random lazy dude, though... Not sure why they still keep me around...
    2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now/in the past: Anime-Kraze (QC), Ryoumi (TS/AFx), FTW (TS/AFx). They were great groups to work with, for the most part. Genjo-Subs (TS/AFx), We're in Denial (TS/AFx, Logos), Avalon (TS/.ass Karaoke, Logo (kind of), Kaze no Koe Fansubs (TS), Bakakozou (QC) (all quit). WTFansubs (TS/QC/.ass Karaoke) (slow death).
    3. Do you freelance? I try to, but I'm not popular enough or fast enough for groups to ask/wait for me D:
  4. Projects
    1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? Anything that sounds interesting and that can hold my attention. I had a articular interest in Shoujo-ai, but it doesn't seem that there's any decent ones that have come out since Kannazuki no Miko.
    2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? Not a fan of Shigofumi. The story doesn't help with the motivation to do the demanding TS that is required of the series. I'm keeping mum about the other series I didn't like to prevent drama on the forums.
  5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
    1. Do tell why do you start a group? late 2004/early 2005, I felt that a lot of the groups that came out were pretty junky and they went for the popular series. I felt that I could have started a group that would have infused some quality releases back into the scene, which was diluted with badly done releases. Easier said/thought than done.
    2. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse: Collapse mostly because of a lack of a reliable TLer. They're impossible to find without 1> connections; or 2> a whole ton of luck. IMO, I've seen crappy groups that get great TLers only because they do popular shows. Those that really care about the not-so-popular shows and doing good jobs on them mostly don't. It's a sad way the cookie crumbles. The group finally disbanded after things stalled and I took a leave of absence.
    3. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this: N/A
    4. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful. N/A
  6. Jobs
    1. What are your current fansubbing jobs: Mainly AFx. .ass TS has mostly fallen by the wayside, though I can still do it. I am mostly inactive due to a job, but I come out from under my rock to do a job or two once in a while.
    2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do: AFx, .ass TS, .ass karaoke, QC, some editing, [was] learning encoding (kinda fell by the wayside lately), logos (not great)
    3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs: .ass Typesetting. AFx typesetting. (I avoid font matching, extensions, redoing jp text, and frame-by-frame typesetting whenever I can >>;) I also like to style.
    4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly: Typesetter: May include dialogue subtitles, but the main job is signage, making the typesetted signs look and feel integrated with the original video flawlessly in both placement, movement, and design/implementation. The highest level of typesetting avoids using note boxes as a substitution for proper sign typesetting at all costs.
  7. Other Plans
    1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? I will most likely truly retire indefinitely for real after July, when real life priorities will take over and my vacation from real life is over.
    2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? Not really. Most of the people don't bother to listen to constructive criticism once they start fansubbing, unless they truly have an open mind, which is rare. Aside from GWi-AFX, I haven't seen anyone else who wants to learn how to typeset, but then, I'm not experienced enough or reet enough at typesetting to teach.
    3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? I had copies of previous work, including scripts, .aeps, .psds for the .aeps, and overlays from the .aeps, and the .avs scripts for the overlays. Unfortunately, an accidental external hdd reformat (stupid windows xp installer), to my knowledge, has wiped an external hdd clean of all of the files.

Last edited by chaos4ever; 2008-05-08 at 21:43.
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