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Old 2008-05-08, 11:18   Link #18
Pioneer in Fansub 2.0
Join Date: Aug 2007
1a. Describe about yourself: Nah.
1b. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? Hardsubs, XviD/AVI releases, H.264 in AVI, people using VLC
1c. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? High-quality releases & trolling & fansub drama

2a. Why do you fansub in the first place? I'm on a holy mission to kill XviD, AVI and hardsubs in fansub releases.
2b. Why do you continue fansubbing? To complete my mission, obviously. And to enlighten (read: troll) idiots.
2e. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub: To deliver.

3a. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s): Underwater, encoder/group leader.
3d. Do you freelance? Yes.

4a. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? Anything is fine as long as I like the show.
4b. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? No.

5a. Do tell why do you start a group? To deliver.
5c. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful: By only having people that get along with each others

6a. What are your current fansubbing jobs: Encoder
6b. Which fansubbing jobs can you do: Timing, Editing, QC, Styling... somewhat everything except for translation.
6c. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs: Encoding.
6d. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly: Hunt RAWs, filter them properly, encode properly and use advanced Matroska black magic (also known as ordered chapters, segment linking and editions).

7a. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? After my mission is complete.
7b. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? I'd be glad to train any new encoders if I can prevent them from using AVI, XviD or hardsubs that way.
7c. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? No. Although I'm working on something regarding that advanced Matroska black magic mentioned earlier.
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