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Old 2008-05-05, 03:23   Link #21
ISML Technical Staff
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Age: 35
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I think the issue The Small One put forth was addressed somewhere in the past, and that if you see a spoiler, then report it, but don't reply to say that it is a spoiler, because then you would be confirming the spoiler to those who doesn't know yet that it's a spoiler. The problem remains with how harmless the guess is (and if it really is a guess and not just someone trolling for spoilers).

I'm against punishing people putting suggestions inside spoiler tags, as long as they mark is correctly. Let's say that I posted this:

Spoiler for my guesses on what will happen:

It is up to the reader to realize that this is a guess, and we're not here to babysit everyone through the forums. What I'm saying is, the words "people may believe" will have to be coupled with "people should use their common sense."

I also don't have a problem with using spoiler tags to hide big text or pictures, since it's just courtesy, and we shouldn't be punished for courtesy. Why should stuff like
Spoiler for lots of text:
Spoiler for big picture:
not be allowed? What if I want to quote a very long post, which others might quote again and again? People usually put them in spoiler tags, because they just want to show that they're quoting this particular post, and if the reader needs further clarification of what was quoted, they can show the spoiler.

All in all, you're trying to change things that just cause inconvenience for everyone, because what good will it do to restrict the use of spoiler tags? If you don't like them, don't use them. Just like how everyone is free to scroll down, everyone is free to put what they want inside a spoiler tag if they mark them accordingly.

EDIT: And if your problem is not knowing if there's really a spoiler or if there's big text/guesses hiding under the spoiler, then go ahead and punish people who don't mark their spoiler tags or do so incorrectly, but don't screw up spoiler tags for the rest of us.
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