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Old 2008-05-04, 20:24   Link #16
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Originally Posted by NightWish View Post
Yes, it is easy to do, but that does not mean it is the right thing to do We have considered this suggestion before (the last time you made it ) but decided not to adopt it as yet. We would prefer people used thumbnails or links in preference to "hiding" content under any sort of tag, unless the content is actually a spoiler, in which case the semantics of "spoiler" are correct and desirable.
So what is your preference for handling large blocks of text like this one that have only marginal pertinence to the show but are relevant to the issues raised in the thread? I'd like to have another option to hide long blocks of text like this so they don't interfere with the flow of the dialog in the thread. I typically use spoilers for this purpose since there isn't any other alternative. Like Cats, I think it would be helpful to have another kind of tag that hides material in a thread without marking it as a "spoiler."

By your use of "links" are you suggesting that I post the information as an HTML document somewhere else and link to it? That's not really an option for many people here. Or, are you focusing more specifically on graphics that can be stored on image sites? I realize that "hiding" a graphic inside a spoiler tag does no such thing, but hiding text can make sense in many cases.
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