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Old 2008-04-27, 16:57   Link #32
Holy Beast ~Wuff!~
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Leeds, UK
Age: 41
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i think they can repair, after all, it is one of the basics of army requirements. Even if you cannot manufacture new weapons, you must be able to keep your weapons functional.

ask any soldier and they will tell you that they have to be able to field strip a standard weapon for cleaning and repairs. or a Tanker and he will show you have to repair the tracks or fix the engine with available spares.

i have in no doubt the zentradi will be able to do this for their rifles and armoursuits

however, the fleet themselves don't seem to mention anything about "factory" ships, as in having an entire ship to manufacturing new equipments.

since they mentioned that all equipments was provided by automated factories, in which they also give a specific mention of when the LAST one stopped production.

it is in my opinion that all zentradi ships were able to manufacture it's own supplies of spare parts and simple weapons and equipments to at lease keep all the remaining troops armed with functional weapons.

i don't think the zentradi had the capacity to create new weapons or equipments, but i think they will have a high degree of improvisation, in that they will be able to repair weaponry from other parts, this intuitive instinct of being able to improvise weapons and use them efficiently would be idea for a warrior race, but the lack of imagination or culture will prevent them from designing new things.
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