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Old 2008-04-17, 03:48   Link #15
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I should mention that when you are linking a game to AGTH that you have to have the quotation marks surrounding both the address for AGTH and the games exe. That's four quotation marks altogether and any extra pieces of code go in the middle. Once that's done you will only start getting the appropriate text in the window once it appears and you click the drop down menu to select the appropriate thread. The thread won't appear if there is no relevant text on screen so it's pretty easy to find which is the right one. It's almost always TextOut A or one of the GetGlyphOutline A's or GetTextExtent Point A's.

For some special systems like Alicesoft's it's different. Alicesoft is like Square in that they don't use standard coding procedures for their engine the rather complex (for eroge's anyway) System 4.0 and thus the usual address' don't apply. AGTH's makers actually had to go out of their way to make a special subroutine just for their games so this shouldn't be a problem if you are using one of the newer versions of it. In general with the System 4.0 the appropriate selection is actually System40.

The first option that comes up is DrawTextExW, which is actually just the text in your window heading as it's been drawn by the video card on your screen. Move the window to see what I mean.

Simple solution. Load the game, get in game, use the drop down bar in AGTH and click through every thread that ends in anything but DrawTextExW until you find the right one.
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