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Old 2008-04-15, 11:13   Link #61
Former B-T Translator
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Age: 38
I think that while Horo is certainly messing with Lawrences' head a fair amount of the time, it's not due to maliciousness, but because it's her only real form of entertainment. That and food. But it's been shown that Lawrence needed a companion (boy, does that word make me think of Dr. Who), so they both get something. I'm interested in what Horo did before now, some of which was hinted at in episode 4.
Agreed, Horo gets a huge kick out of exerting her dominance over Lawrence (and seeing the "cute" expression on Lawrence's face that always results from it), but adores him all the same.

If I'm not mistaken, a major portion of volume 7 of the light novel is dedicated to exploring Horo's past.
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