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Old 2008-04-13, 11:59   Link #94
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Age: 43
Originally Posted by Nanaya View Post
I never said Suzaku had a moral high ground now. I'm saying, stop hating on Suzaku for things Lelouch would have done to achieve his goals.

Remember, Lelouch sacrificed his entire army for his sister.

They are now the same people who sacrifice others to achieve their ends.
Yet, we know what Lulu is trying to do, yet Suzaku's goal is unclear.

According to you, Suzaku is happy to sacrifice the ENTIRE Planet for his goal. That's a bit more than what Lulu is doing. And we still aren't sure if his goal involved more than "dying in battle", which had been the only thing he ever came up with on his own.

If any new Emperor made Britannia a better place, it would be a credit to the new Emperor and nothing to do with Suzaku. Suzaku is now helping the CURRENT Emperor, which means whatever new Emperor would have to fight Suzaku to get to the top.
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