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Old 2008-04-13, 11:21   Link #75
The Last Frontier
Join Date: Apr 2004
Originally Posted by Nanaya View Post
Suzaku already changed drastically from episode 23-25 alone. And he'll probably change some more.
Drastically? I think not. He just showed his true repressed self, the self that Lelouch remembered from his childhood.

And again, whether he changed from S1 is hard to say because he hasn't appeared much in S2.

The lives lost while that idealised change takes place is no different from the lives lost in rebellion. But Suzaku's path may indeed cut the cycle of violence completely if he succeeds.
So may the rebellion if it succeeds -_- Since it'd be a lot easier to not discriminate against each other when one nation/group is oppressing the other. The problem is that these are all 'what ifs'.

And to be honest, I don't think it'll ever happen, a world without discrimination or without violence.

Never have enough power? Suzaku has HOPE. That is one of his trademark traits, following trust and now, selfishness.
Wrong, the OotBK has hope. Todoh has hope. Consider what you said, the fact that Suzaku thinks it's 'hopeless' to fight the britainnians. If he truly had hope, he'd have joined the OoTBK. I think what Suzaku has isn't so much hope but a sense of despair, considering he also indicated that he wanted to die (or Mao indicated it by reading his mind?), proving that his beliefs in the beginning were nothing more than just something he spouted for the sake of rationalization when in reality, he sought nothing more than the absolution found in death.

So how can he have hope? A man who would prefer to die? Hope for what? That his actions will change Britainnia in the far-off future when he'd rather die? I find the two contradictory to say the least. He didn't join the army because he had hope imo, but more because it was the only choice he could choose after rationalizing everything that he had done and his own inner desire.

And there's no proof that he's actually bad. What Schneizel is is a very practical man who would let the Numbers actually become a part of the Empire and from his words, "breathe new life into it".
And there's no proof he's actually good either -_- There's no proof of anything other than the fact he's extremely charming and intelligent, ie. very very dangerous.
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