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Old 2008-04-13, 10:42   Link #64
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by evil|plushie View Post
I think the biggest mistake people make with Suzaku is that they try to seperate what he says from what he does. Which is farcical in my pov, since he's the type who claimed that violence was wrong, and that you should do things the right way. Was invading Europe the right way then? You can say it's his job, but unfortunately, just because it's his job doesn't mean he has to do it. He could always quit, but then he'd never reach his dream of stopping all violence through the use of violence. Of course, it's questionable whether he would have in the first place.

Suzaku said it to Kallen in the festival that he does things the way he does them. Since he MET Euphemia and especially after the "confession" Suzaku does not stand by his words that much anymore. His actions and of course his words won't mesh well anymore.

The more you try to make those two things come together, the more you'll only get a mix of past+present+future that will literally MAKE NO SENSE.

And that is the mistake I was talking about. Suzaku is literally changing in front of us that's why you can't keep doing that with him.

I'm sorry, but saying that Britainnians method of enforcement is too brutal to be called Justice is not namecalling. What Suzaku is doing is not so much justice as it is rationalization, if you can't beat them, join them.
I never called Britannian enforcement laws as justice. What I called justice was what you correctly termed as rationalization. Which is what JUSTICE is to some people. It's a fairly relative term.

Discrimination can fade away, but in the current Britainnian setting, is that going to happen any time soon? Or is that even more likely than the persistent violence fading away anytime soon? The problem is that the discrimination seems to be constantly reinforcing itself within britainnian society. Especially with the notion of the Emperors that might = right. Suzaku might have some respect among some of the Britainnian army (Knights of Rounds and Cornelias knights) but it has yet to be seen whether that translates into equal rights or treatment for the other japanese or whether they just view Suzaku as an extremely talented monkey. After all, even if you respect one talented monkey, it doesn't mean you're going to suddenly respect or give rights to the rest of them.
Soon? Why soon? Suzaku is looking towards the future and the change that could occur several decades now.

Suzaku's methods are slow. They have the possibility of working, but it is slow.

edit: Btw, if he wants to stop the discrimination, stop invading other countries. People aren't going to be too happy when they get conquered and with the way the Britainnian empire thinks, the very fact the other country lost already means it's inferior.
He can't stop what is already in motion. He doesn't have enough power yet. YET.

I mean , it's also possible that one day the Emperor will die peacefully and then the next heir to the throne will suddenly decide to free all the colonies and live in peace forever. But is that likely? I find that arguing that things could happen without much basis for it kinda useless.
If Schneizel wins, the likelihood of the Empire's colonies becoming better treated is a great possibility. Of course, he won't dismantle the Empire. What idiot emperor does that? Better make every colonized country into an actual part of the empire than a mere colony.

Schneizel IS Lelouch x 2 - geass(?).
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