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Old 2008-04-10, 17:49   Link #74
Join Date: Sep 2006
Age: 37
I was thinking for a long time as to where to put this but in the end I think it might belong here

What always worried me the most about this series was its superficial similarity to death note. In both cases we have protagonists which stray from what general standards of society could ever call “moral”. I remember reading that Death note ending was created when some guy from the publishing company or something said that he will publish the series but Light has to be “punished at the end” as it seems we can not have “demoralizing” manga/anime in main stream Japanese media.
While I considered Lights end fitting I really dread that Lulu will reach similar end simply because (“evil must be punished” killing innocent is wrong” “violence is not the answer”). I would not mind him dieing a tragic death, but all in all it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if at the end he was reduced to the pathetic criminal who is “punished” in his final moments, there was much good in him , and sort of dark nobility. He may deserve to die for all the things he did, but he does not deserve “swimming lessons”.
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