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Old 2008-04-10, 16:37   Link #65
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by ashlay View Post
I don't really agree with you Krimzon, the entire point of tragedy is that it wasn't inevitable, that one simple decision at some point, one less careless word, could have averted everything that occurred.

You've seen the DS game and Lost Colors, and you know what Lelouch and Euphie and Suzaku or capable of. There was a road to happiness.

That's what's so tragic about everything that's happened so far: Did anyone desire this outcome? If Lelouch and Suzaku hadn't kept things from one another all those times, would they still be standing in that cave pointing guns at each other? Overriding everything at the end of the first season with concepts such as morality and fate only hurts the entire point of having these massive coincidences, of having family kill each other and friend turn against friend.

Wait, what, since when did I say what happened during Episode 22 wasn't a tragedy or couldn't have ended better had things been different? I simply focused solely on the issue of the SAZ itself, and the practicality of its implementation. And from what I could assess, I didn't think it was likely, possible of course, but not likely by any stretch of the means. And doesn't Lost Colors also have a bunch of endings that were never going to happen in the show but they put it in for fun anyway? That's not something to base the likelihood of the SAZ's success in my view.

I didn't say that, I actually said everything what you just did, that the whole thing was a tragic affair on a personal level. But I offered another explanation that moping over what could have happened doesn't change what did happen, and that the only thing left for anyone is to move on and try to pick up the pieces, to work toward a better future and put these adversities in their life where they should be, the past. Otherwise no one would be able to keep going.
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