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Old 2008-04-09, 22:44   Link #32
Join Date: Jan 2008
To briefly touch on what seems to be the theme of the day, the Light/Lelouch comparison is mainly an issue of summary, in that when you boil down all the specifics of both stories to a paragraph, they do indeed come off as similar. I dislike comparing anything further because almost everything, from intended audience to even the art style indicate a huge difference between the stories.

As to Lelouch himself, he is indeed an interesting character, but a trait that is not yet being talked about is what seems to be his colossal hypocrisy. For example, he is clearly aware that his militaristic activities are influencing both innocent and neutral parties, but he only cares about collateral damage when it impacts someone he knows. I found this bothersome because it strikes me as incredibly wrong to treat SOME people like chess pieces, but to move others off the board because they are precious, or somesuch nonsense. It is particularly irksome when a character that is supposed to be as intelligent as he is seems to be blind to the fact that he allows personal attachment to so often cloud his judgement. Ironically, perhaps it proves that he is exactly the same man his father is, right down to the contempt for those that do not serve his needs.

Btw, the more I watch this series, the more I wonder if we aren't going to get a scene towards the end, with Lelouch's rebellion having nearly succeeded, and the emperor saying,"I always knew you would be the success, Lelouch. When you finish me, you will be the true leader."
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