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Old 2004-04-03, 06:47   Link #28
Kurama no Miko2003
Twirly! Twirly~!!
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Wherever my favorite guy in the whole wide world is
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Ishida Akira (see previous posts for roles)

Midorikawa Hikaru (Zelgadis/Slayers, Heero Yuy/Gundam Wing, Tamahome/Fushigi Yuugi)

Ogata Megumi (Kurama/Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Shinji/Evangelion, Princess Emeraude/Magic Knight Rayeart, Eagle/Rayearth 2)

Sakamoto Maaya (Kanzaki Hitomi/Escaflowne, Nai Card/CardCaptor Sakura Movie 2, Mishima/RahXephon)

Hayashibara Megumi (see previous posts for roles)

Orikasa Ai (Ryoko/Tenchi Muyo, Quatre Raberba Winner/Gundam Wing)

I have a general tendency to like seiyuu who can sing; since I can't always afford to invest in buying the DVDs for an entire show, I usually settle for getting OSTs that have image songs (sung by the seiyuu themselves, of course) on them. And as a result, being a good vocalist generally makes me like a certain voice better, so that's what I use as a way to choose my favorites. Although oddly enough, even though I really don't like what I've heard of Ishida Akira's singing, he still ranks as a favorite (either that or Xellos's image songs aren't a good representative of his skills as a vocalist). But that may be because both Chrno and Athrun are currently on my favorite male anime character list at the moment . . .

And as far as I know, with the exception of Ishida Akira, all of them are recording artists . . . or at least they've released a few solo CDs and singles. I know Hayashibara Megumi and Sakamoto Maaya have been releasing CDs as recent as this year. (I'm not sure about Hayashibara's discography, but I know Sakamoto has at least 5 or 6 CDs out . . .)

~ Kurama no Miko2003
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