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Old 2008-03-14, 22:15   Link #100
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: New York City
Just watched this episode, and all I could say is I WANT MORE! MORE and MORE! There got to be another seasson.

Horo finally realized that forcing Lawrence to take her along the trip was a bad idea. Lawrance tried to blame it all to himself and appologize to Horo. That scene where Horo forced him to say "you are special" is so cute. Makes me wonder, does women want us men to lie just to please them?

Anyway, can someone tell me how did Horo blackmail the debtor to go along with their plan? I dont understand that part where she quotes something and all of a sudden the guy painfully accepted their deal.

Now here comes Nora...(Lolicon power) gave a liitle hint to Lawrence about her feeling towards him. He was as always clueless.

I say Horo is way ahead of Nora in points, but maybe a surprize comeback of the underdog would be interesting.
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