Thread: Licensed Vinland Saga
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Old 2008-03-14, 11:50   Link #12
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Originally Posted by Moonbase View Post
I don't know about that. Askeladd certainly has the brains to beat Thorkell but I doubt he could overcome the brute. I think Thorfinn has only lasted this long because he is unnaturally fast, a type of fighter that Thorkell hasn't had to fight a lot (i.e. he got bored of the lack of war/challenge, so I can only guess that his delight in fighting Thorfinn is because the child is a new challenge). I saw Askeladd cleave a man in twain, but Thorkell's raw strength is unmatched. Paired with the fact that Askeladd himself said he's getting old, I think Thorkell would kill him in a duel.

I also agree with the people who like the prince. I'm still on the fence about how he'll turn out, but I think the character has a lot of promise to make the plot even more convoluted.
While I won't disagree, the blow he unleashed cleaving the guy in half was his true strength, he even said it himself. The reason he didn't fight with strength, but rather skill, was to not scare the masses into resorting to bows and ranged attacks, which he cannot possibly escape from in the open snow field. By looking like he was killable, his men would go for the kill instead of something as cowardly as bows until it was too late and Thorkell reached them. The guy might not be stronger, but he's smaller in stature, therefore harder to hit, and he's definitely smarter. Thorkell is more resilient, but there's nothing age doesn't affect. I'm very sure Thorkell was stronger back then than he is now too, but his strength is probably only surpassed by perhaps Thors. (GOD MODE WARRIOR) Perhaps not raw strength, but it seems that his technique is weak in comparison, and he's just barbarian stylin' it. But Thorkell's resilience in this chapter is amazing, all those battle scars these recent chapters, and the man can't even cry.

While I agree everyone and everything around him is telling him that his current motivation is fruitless, I hope Thorfinn doesn't "grow up" by being forced into service. I can see your hypothesis coming to pass but that seems tired and dull in terms of plot, something Vinland Saga hasn't been (at least to me).
=X You expect him to pull a Gatts and just train super hard living for his weapon? Doubt it. There's few ways to walk the road of "true warrior" most likely, and it's generally cliche.

Overall, I just hope for more epic battles. I'd like in-depth battles that involved more than just 1v1. Maybe handicap fights, or 2v2/2v3/3v3/etc. It's never really been pushed in a manga, and of course it's very hard to depict with a chapters worth of pages, but I found that many mangas have special qualities in describing a fight, yet very few take what others are good at and blend it in their own. =X I'm a fighting nut maybe, but wouldn't anyone want to see a manga that truly pushes the limit to technical detailed fights? (Think Air Gear + Ippo + Berserk + Early Naruto + Kenichi + Gundam 00/Other Gundam series + etc) Then again, it's probably not profitable ^____^ but if done right, can set a benchmark beyond all standards, like the new Matrix. Then you animate it!

Story wise, I'm not educated or have a knack for it to see how you can turn it up a notch. Manga are not like books, so you can't pull a Harry Potter and somehow achieve something that appeals to everyone while still keeping the core intact for your genre.

=X the only interesting guy left in the shadows is that "strong Briton commander" and Prince Edmund, who might just be the same damn person. Hopefully they show some more interesting characters! This series is one of my tops atm ^_____^ but it seems most series lose their luster after awhile (Berserk/Gantz/Naruto/Bleach) and the only one semi-decent is Detective Conan, which is kinda repetitive but tolerable (=X I bet there's less than 2 people on animesuki forums who guessed how the murderers pull it off on their first try).

I also think no one wants to see this series end in a Prince of Tennis way. Wow...a SONG? In a MANGA? And ending it at a high school level (which is apparently better than the world though kinda understandable) and not even fighting his Dad? T_T

Going off on a tangent!

T_T I feel sorry for Thorkell though. He's genuinely the nicest guy so far, and he's the one who has to suffer life changing injuries. Even his face looks so...friendly lol. Is there anyone who hates the guy? I mean, he isn't cool looking, nor is he good looking, but it's something about that long tall head of his (lol and they made it his weakness hahaha) and his facial features that makes him look like a nice guy along with his silly hair. It's like, the first time I saw him, I'm like . Hippie commander? I honestly couldn't imagine him being the beast he is before he fought.

Oh and lastly, is this thing a monthly or weekly. Cause it came out the last two weeks so far...I'm hoping weekly :< cause the drawing detail is godlike for a weekly manga, shelfs up with greats like Air Gear (on good days) and stuff.
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