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Old 2008-03-12, 14:24   Link #40
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Philly / Singapore
Originally Posted by DanielSong39 View Post
Marlhait explained in episode 6 that the royal family imposed a number of duties and taxes in order to cut their losses short - which reduced the profits for the Milone company. All Lawrence was left with was 120 Trennai plus 1000 for his services (which was used to pay Horo's bills and obtain a cart load of pepper).
Yup. The 120 coins was Lawrence's 5% share of the profit as agreed in the contract. The 1000 coins was a bonus that Milone gave Lawrence out of goodwill.

The exchange rate between Trennai silver and Lumione seems to be between 35 and 40-1 (otherwise Lawrence would've never accepted the merchant's initial deal). Horo's trick drove up the price 1.5 times the original asking price AND Lawrence insisted on a double margin on armor.
Hmm, where did you get the 1.5 times? Novel or anime? I don't think the final price of the spice was indicated in the show, although you can calculate a rough range if you wanted...
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