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Old 2008-02-07, 19:28   Link #89
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Quite the interesting twist in this weeks' and last week's chapter
Spoiler for chapter 72-73:

I really do like Fairy tail, but i do agree that there is some problem in the storytelling that throws it off... i don't think it's so much the lack of a main plotline, afterall, i think alot of manga starting off without one and went a good amount of time before it was revealed...

I think the problem is that the arcs feel very episodic and not part of one continious storyline... i mean, except for a few details, you could rearrange the arcs and almost not notice much of a difference; only a few minor details here and there would be amiss... Look at other mangas, if you try to rearange the arcs and you are gonna be seriously confused and know in an instant something is seriously wrong

I think the problem is that their is a serious lack of build up before the arcsc began... we just jump right into things without anykind of background. I mean we got some development on some of the other guild members, but that development and background feels empty somehow... i think the reason is because we never saw much of them before. We saw them a couple of times but we never got to really get into their characters... i think some of the things that would have been nessary is much more focus on the secondary characters in the arcs before the arc where we saw their background... more focus on Loki and elfman and so forth... hell before the phantom guild arc, i think we should have seen some more references to phantom in previous arcs... get a feel for them before they become big players; gotta crawl before you walk, and gotta walk before you run and all that...

Ofcourse, all of this extra backgrond and such would have added considerably to to how long the story would take to tell, possibly even twice as long... but that's how it is with all long running manga's like shonen's, they take a long time to tell... it would be for the best in the long run... the longer the story is the more details you can throw in and the more you can develop and build. The story would come out much better as a result.

Last edited by Slayerx; 2008-02-07 at 19:42.
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