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Old 2007-12-26, 14:11   Link #79
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Join Date: Mar 2006
I really don't mind that much about the plot or the storyline thus far. I mean every quest has been "meaningful" in discovering new powers or just some character storyline. We still don't know why Maryjane lost her powers yet and perhaps she can transform into powerful creatures but has lost that ability? I guess this is really kinda like Rave in terms of searching for "father" and then end up with a much bigger plotline. There are still quite a few dragon slayers left and it would be cool if they all join forces later to get their dragons - maybe Seniel is a dragon slayer himself! Bottom line is this, we want the mangaka to extend the storyline so we can get more of this then have him "get to the point" and end it much quickly..remember this is only chapter 67. Also I like the fact of the protagonist having a goal that is "attainable" in the sense that it is "not a dream" like becoming hokage or pirate king.
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