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Old 2007-12-13, 12:44   Link #70
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: もう東京ではない
Age: 43
Now here are my thoughts on Fairy Tail, 67 chapters into it.

I have to say I really want to like this manga, because I love the art, there's a plentitude of interesting characters and it actually makes me laugh at times. However there are also some gripes I have with it. The main one, I've stated already in this thread:

There's no red thread running through Fairy Tail. Naruto is struggling to become the hokage, Luffy to become the pirate king, but what is driving Natsu? The search for Ignill is the only thning that comes to mind and even that has only been referenced about twice. And do we even know why he wants to find him? You don't really get a sense of continuity, it's just one short adventure after another that aren't related to eachother at all. What is this manga really about, besides a magic guild taking on missions? Aren't there any grander themes? The plot isn't really going anywhere, it's just mission after mission (or brawl) with seemingly no effect on the overall storyline (is there one?). Am I the only one who feels that way? At least the start of the latest arc seems to be related to the events of the last one, I hope that's a start.

A minor gripe is the character designs... of villains. While I love the character designs of all our herous, I can't say as much about the villains. Most of them seem taken from some poor sucker's LSD hallucinations. It's a shame because the main characters all look very good.

Anyway, just something I wanted off my chest. Does anyone agree with me on the first one? I tried voicing it before but people didn't seem to agree, or wanted to give the manga more time. It's been 67 chapters, shouldn't we be able to expect to know what the actual storyline is about? I mean, it's like reading One Piece without knowing why the crew is sailing to different places?
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