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Old 2007-12-07, 11:55   Link #41
NaruHina Maniac
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Konoha
Age: 34
imagine!! uindogan (wind eyes) the uzumaki legacy

i would like to start a thread about the possibility that if naruto and hinata "get it on" their baby might have a new type of doujutsu

it could be called the uindogan (lit. wind eyes) uindo is just another word for kaze

they could look like pale green byakugan with a thin black border, but when they activate it there would be a line like when naruto goes kyuubi

that line could evolve (sort of like the sharingan) where it would become a three pointed shuriken, then a four pointed shuriken and then finally into a five pointed shuriken to acheive better control over their domain, which would be being able to see and control the chakra in the air and using it for their own jutsu

here are a few jutsus i thought would go good with the uindogan:
uindoyari (lit. wind spear): the user does hand seals (ox, snake, rooster) grabs chakra from the air, it will solidify, and throw it at the enemy at high velocity
C Rank - Mid to Long range
uindoyariame (lit. wind spear rain): the user does seals (ox, snake, horse, rooster) places his/her hands into the air's chakra, does a throwing motion like gohan's masenkoha and multiple spears are tossed at the enemy at high velocity
B Rank - Mid to Long range
uindoto (lit. wind blade): the user does hand seals (ox, horse, boar, rooster) grabs chakra from the air, forms it into a blade of the shape and size he/she desires and begins hand to hand combat (the blade will be slightly visible)
B Rank - Close range
and here is my favorite idea,
uindokagebushin (lit. shadow wind clone): the user does a sweeping motion with his/her arms to gather up chakra from the air (since no one will ever have as much chakra as naruto) and does the regular shadow clone hand seal and makes a certain number of clones depending on the skill and size of the jutsu (this jutsu is very difficult to master but worth the wait, you still need to use some of your chakra to make the clones but you use the air's chakra to strenghten it so it can have much more durability)
A Rank - Close range

uindotokagebushin (lit. wind sword shadow clone): this is a taijutsu where the user makes a number of clones and all the clones make wind sword and they all do various uzumaki rendans

I tried to find where I should post thins but I coudn't find it
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Last edited by yaluckyboy; 2007-12-07 at 23:51. Reason: I forgot to put the levels in
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