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Old 2007-11-03, 23:39   Link #1
Sonozaki Futagotachi
Translation Group
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Denver
Higurashi Game Translation Project


My sister and I are working on a translation of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, starting with Onikakushi. So far we've translated the prologue and the Scenario menu, along with bits of menu and minigame text; we've started roughing out Day 1 as well.

We are probably going to make decent progress with the translation. Her Japanese is good enough to read the games, while mine is slow; I want a translation so that I can find out what happens

It would be great if someone could taste-test our little bit of translation (the prologue & menus) and let us know how it looks. I'd prefer somebody who can read the originals well enough to judge a translation, if at all possible. Of course, we'd like to know if our English writing is good as well.

I'm not certain about my bandwidth limitations, and we don't feel ready to "publish" yet, so please PM me if you would like to have a look at our sample and give us some feedback.

Right now it's just a patch for Himatsubushi (the full set of Question-arc games), but I'm getting together a patch for the free Onikakushi demo as well.

Mion (Sonozaki Futagotachi)

Current Status: Onikakushi has been finished and is available on our site in demo form. Our patch for the full Himatsubushi game of course has all of Onikakushi, and also includes the first day of the second arc, Watanagashi. We plan to wait until we've finished the whole arc before doing another release. - Shion

Last edited by Sonozaki Futagotachi; 2009-08-21 at 14:30. Reason: added current status
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