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kayote 2010-03-25 21:01

Bleach Hollywood Movie
i read the news and i thought it had to be a joke sense april 1st is coming up but this might actully be given the green light.

sesne they are making Monster, Ninja Scroll, Akira and Cowboy Bebop all in active production or pre-production stages Bleach could join the ranks.

with Dragonball (as bad as it was) making over 100mil (all sales) now, Hollywood has seen an oppertunity for franchises.

i don't want it to be made as i don't think Hollywood respects the material of Mangas as much as it does for Comics. also the translation from eastern humour to western is also not done well.

Socke 2010-03-25 21:20

Get prepared to see Ichigo played by a white frat boy.

Sugetsu 2010-03-25 21:36

One thing is for sure, I can't wait to see a live action movie of Monster, one of my favorite animes of all time. Hopefully the director behind it knows what he is doing...

HayashiTakara 2010-03-25 22:09

I only have one thing to say... OH MY FREAKING GOD!

Hollywood you just won't stop torturing people, won't you?

Master_Yoma 2010-03-26 00:04

watching when Hollywood fucks up anther anime with more crap that make no since to the anime

Bassoonicmayhem 2010-03-26 01:04

I'm actually surprised. I would have guessed Naruto would have gotten a live action movie deal before Bleach or maybe even One Piece, though that's slim. So to actually see Warner Bros. take Bleach over Naruto which widely more popular and a bigger cash cow truly baffles me.

I am happy but at the same time really scared because I know this movie is going to be terrible. I hope it won't, but I know it will. There's no way this movie could be good. Now if it does end up being good, I'll come back to this thread and state that I was wrong, but I highly doubt that I am. Let me see the cast first and who's directing and then I might change my mind, but right now I'm pretty sure this movie isn't gonna do well.

Peterbigeyes 2010-03-26 01:59

The limitless possibilities..

Mr. DJ 2010-03-26 02:10

well I want Evangelion and AKIRA before this disaster comes out.

Photonbeam 2010-03-26 06:10

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Please DO NOT let this happen. I'm foreseeing that this will be another failure like Dragon Ball Evolution.

Black0raz0r 2010-03-26 06:15

I think its going to be like Uwe Boll and Far Cry :mad:

Good Apollo 2010-03-26 06:21

LOL ginger white American frat boy running around with an over sized sword why must Hollywood rune life. what would be good though would be a Hollywood Animation with a big fat ass budget with a good director... a boy can dream.

roriconfan 2010-03-26 06:34

Soon on the cinemas near you...

In Washington DC an american patriot named Ichigo Steveson obtains mystical powers from an order of spirits of goodness (not death gods) and goes to save America from the evil Aizen Bin Laden, who betrayed the good people of America and allied himself with evil Russian demons. Now, he plans to invade America by using a Nazi magical sphere in Iraq by using the powers of Orihime Bigbusty, Ichigo's girlfriend. Ichigo must save his girlfriend and America before Aizen ressurects Sadam and raises an army of jewish and negro ghosts to bomb with Anthrax the good, honest, peaceful, Christian people of God bless America.
A great war against terrorism is about to begin...
The next smash hit to topple even the masterwork Twilight is here. Do not miss it!
...or the terrorists will get you.

Good Apollo 2010-03-26 06:36


Originally Posted by roriconfan (Post 2973775)
Soon on the cinemas near you...

In Washington DC an american patriot named Ichigo Steveson obtains mystical powers from an order of spirits of goodness (not death gods) and goes to save America from the evil Aizen Bin Laden, who betrayed the good people of America and allied himself with evil Russian demons. Now, he plans to invade America by using a Nazi magical sphere in Iraq by using the powers of Orihime Bigbusty, Ichigo's girlfriend. Ichigo must save his girlfriend and America before Aizen ressurects Sadam and raises an army of jewish and negro ghosts to bomb with Anthrax the good, honest, peaceful, Christian people of God bless America.
A great war against terrorism is about to begin...
The next smash hit to topple even the masterwork Twilight is here. Do not miss it!
...or the terrorists will get you.

LMAO fucking love it :D I would pay to watch this :P

-Sho- 2010-03-26 06:50

They want to kill all anime/manga/game/comic

Haak 2010-03-26 08:00

There's a reason why these stories are animated: Because they do not work as anything else (though Monster would be kind of interesting)

Vinak 2010-03-26 10:16


Originally Posted by Bassoonicmayhem (Post 2973526)
I'm actually surprised. I would have guessed Naruto would have gotten a live action movie deal before Bleach or maybe even One Piece, though that's slim. So to actually see Warner Bros. take Bleach over Naruto which widely more popular and a bigger cash cow truly baffles me.

Kishimoto is probably...y'know, sane and turned down the offer knowing full well that Hollywood would totally butcher and destroy his creation. While Kubo understand he is on a sinking ship and just doesn't give a shit. Grab the money while its still flowing.

Kafriel 2010-03-26 12:15

Actually Monster would make an awesome far as BLEACH is concerned, it's crap in all its glory. Seriously, a MOVIE!? About what, the very essence of bleach has been Aizen's plan Ichigo fighting all the time. How will they introduce the three-ream balance, when will Ichigo get his powers, how would they represent his inner world (zonmfgbbq live Zangetsu and Ogichi :twitch:) and how would they get to Ichigo's selling point - his bankai?

Arbitres 2010-03-26 14:11


Originally Posted by roriconfan (Post 2973775)
Soon on the cinemas near you...

In Washington DC an american patriot named Ichigo Steveson obtains mystical powers from an order of spirits of goodness (not death gods) and goes to save America from the evil Aizen Bin Laden, who betrayed the good people of America and allied himself with evil Russian demons. Now, he plans to invade America by using a Nazi magical sphere in Iraq by using the powers of Orihime Bigbusty, Ichigo's girlfriend. Ichigo must save his girlfriend and America before Aizen ressurects Sadam and raises an army of jewish and negro ghosts to bomb with Anthrax the good, honest, peaceful, Christian people of God bless America.
A great war against terrorism is about to begin...
The next smash hit to topple even the masterwork Twilight is here. Do not miss it!
...or the terrorists will get you.

xD ohhhh.. my side... XD that was golden! Kudos go to you Roriconfan! XD...

Aizen bin Laden... XD oh... that was funnier then hell.

Mr. DJ 2010-03-26 14:35

Before going into production, they need to watch a few movies...

Super Mario Bros.
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (I thought the first one was decent...)
Street Fighter

While watching, they should take notes on what NOT TO DO, even though Street Fighter wasn't a really serious movie...still had a couple of the best quotes ever :3


Chun-Li: It was twenty years ago. You hadn't promoted yourself to general yet. You were just a petty drug lord. You and your gang of murderers gathered your small ounce of courage to raid across the border for food, weapons, slave father was the village magistrate. A simple man with a simple code: justice. He gathered the few people that he could to stand against you. You and your bullies were driven back by farmers with pitchforks! My father saved his village at the cost of his own life. You had him shot as you ran away! A hero... at a thousand paces.
M. Bison: I'm sorry... I don't remember any of it.
Chun-Li: You don't remember?!
M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday.

roriconfan 2010-03-26 16:06

There is Silent Hill and there is failure...

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