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Klashikari 2008-03-25 04:41

Spice and Wolf - Episode 13 Discussion / Poll [END]
Welcome to the discussion thread for Spice and Wolf, Episode 13.

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  • Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
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    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message.
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if it has not aired yet.
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note: Poll is closed until the episode airs in Japan, for obvious reasons.
  • Episode 13 will be broadcasted this 26th march at 1:30 AM (Japan Time Zone),
    which means this 25th march at 4:30PM (GMT 00).

Whitemoon648 2008-03-25 05:58

Yey first post .

Horo to the rescue WOOT WOOT. Well thats what i hope *_*.

FlareKnight 2008-03-25 06:37

Should be a great episode.

Seeing that [END] in the thread title is a little sad though.

kari-no-sugata 2008-03-25 08:28

Going to be interesting seeing how this story-arc ends. I assume Horo and Lawrence will ride off into the sunset, as it were, but what about Nora, and Lawrence's money...?

PS I was recently in Tokyo for a few days and briefly visited some anime stores at Akihabara and the like - Wolf and Spice (or rather, Horo) seems pretty popular given how many large posters of her I saw. Based on this, I feel pretty confident about seeing a 2nd series...

Westlo 2008-03-25 08:33

It has been quite a ride and I'm looking forward to the conclusion of the second arc/novel.


Originally Posted by kari-no-sugata (Post 1484807)
PS I was recently in Tokyo for a few days and briefly visited some anime stores at Akihabara and the like - Wolf and Spice (or rather, Horo) seems pretty popular given how many large posters of her I saw. Based on this, I feel pretty confident about seeing a 2nd series...

I hope so, I really do... and a third if the second season isn't 24 eps. Light Novels 5-6 need love to!

Souten no Seigyoku 2008-03-25 10:02

Yes plus it was a good series so its even more likely. Unlike other series who have been killed by horrible seasons (i.e AMG).

Masanori Ota 2008-03-25 10:52


Originally Posted by kari-no-sugata (Post 1484807)
Going to be interesting seeing how this story-arc ends. I assume Horo and Lawrence will ride off into the sunset, as it were, but what about Nora, and Lawrence's money...?

PS I was recently in Tokyo for a few days and briefly visited some anime stores at Akihabara and the like - Wolf and Spice (or rather, Horo) seems pretty popular given how many large posters of her I saw. Based on this, I feel pretty confident about seeing a 2nd series...


Spectacular_Insanity 2008-03-25 11:25

Aw, such a short season. Ah, well, short-and-sweet it must be then. But I hope they make a second season... if that's possible by the end. Since I obviously haven't seen it I wouldn't know, but one can hope, right?

Masanori Ota 2008-03-25 13:04

Raw's out.

Vexx 2008-03-25 13:22

(whimpers quietly in the corner after seeing the [END] on the thread title)

Ah well, theoretically all currently available S&W novels should arrive at my house in about two weeks..... Gonna miss listening to the work of the two voice actors though...

deffusse 2008-03-25 14:25

hmm, I'm quite a disapointed about, how they put the story END,, after unlogical circumstances, that solved the plot from previous episode, there was a lot of fun in the end, but nothing more..... So it was a realy nice episode, but on the other hand I want more, there has to be another season :D

metronome 2008-03-25 14:27



Kaguya 2008-03-25 15:42

I feel that many scenes were stuffed into this episode too much.
But I think that the way to end was good.
Because the original novel and manga still continue, a second season will be required for the sales promotion.
Ah I had forgotten episode 7 still remained.


FlareKnight 2008-03-25 16:07

Really enjoyed the episode. Perhaps the only downside was that it was the last one :(.
Spoiler for Ep13:

Vexx 2008-03-25 16:11

and at the last... the 13 episode hyper-compression really hurts the series ending. Its almost like an a slideshow summary.
Yes, the scenes were quite enjoyable but the series was really seriously hobbled by only being green-lighted for 13 episodes.
Not much else to say as I don't have time to loop the dialog and figure out what they're saying so I'll lazily wait for the subs.

Kaguya 2008-03-25 16:46


Originally Posted by metronome (Post 1485412)



serenade_beta 2008-03-25 17:41

Spoiler for ep13:

Deathkillz 2008-03-25 18:04 ended ;__;

DanielSong39 2008-03-25 18:27

Looks like idiocy was justly rewarded - serves them right.

The Lemerio people were idiots even in foresight but glad that they were made to look even dumber in this episode.

It was an expensive lesson for them, but at least they will live to see another day. And to think that they could've prevented this with a measly 70 Lumione...

metronome 2008-03-25 18:56


Originally Posted by Kaguya (Post 1485680)

Ah! That's why I saw...

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