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kj1980 2007-09-13 09:12

Higurashi Kai Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Higurashi no Naku Koroni Kai, Episode 11.

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ayukanon45 2007-09-13 14:58

just saw it, ammazing episode, be ready for a wtf? unless, you alreadyt no. WTF?

MarthX 2007-09-13 15:12

Finished watching it on Nico.

ayukanon45 2007-09-13 15:17

yep, they ARE releasing a second soundtrack

Shiroth 2007-09-13 15:30


Originally Posted by ayukanon45 (Post 1145507)
yep, they ARE releasing a second soundtrack

You mean third.

And please, don't tell me this is if the first time someone has noticed new BGM material. New BGM material has been appearing since the second episode of Kai.

MarthX 2007-09-13 15:35

I know there's been new tracks, but I don't recall hearing the ones in this episode before. Or maybe my excitement is interfering with my brain.

ayukanon45 2007-09-13 15:36

yueah, i meant 3rd, but yes, its been very obvious since then. I just dont want to wait for the new ost!!! btw, does this end the arc, i wasnt really paying much attention to detail, and i dont want to rewatch it.

MarthX 2007-09-13 15:38


Originally Posted by ayukanon45 (Post 1145539)
yueah, i meant 3rd, but yes, its been very obvious since then. I just dont want to wait for the new ost!!! btw, does this end the arc, i wasnt really paying much attention to detail, and i dont want to rewatch it.

According to the episode titles, Minagoroshi ends

Klashikari 2007-09-13 15:40

let's see :
Spoiler for PART A:

If you don't want to be spoiled any further, DON'T READ the PART B. it is HUGE.
Spoiler for PART B:
Complains : the tracks were a bit off, especially for the first part, while the later part sound too recycled.
Also, the transition between satoko's conclusion and the festival is a bit fast, but it isn't too bad.

Praises: The big impact of Satoko's case (TAKE THAT TEPPEI). Rika's fight, despite "everything look normal". She doesn't take things easy.

Aside of this, they really wanted to put a slow but sinister mood of the change of the event.
Rika did everything she could do, and it is obviously a dead end...

An excellent episode, and frankly, next week will be a killer.

Deathkillz 2007-09-13 15:50

oki wtf just happened :eyespin:

LuckyCat 2007-09-13 16:18

Yeah this episode had a really nice transition with the victory for Satoko followed by the unfolding murder plan.

I may need to watch it again!

Sterling01 2007-09-13 16:55

Takano is falling off the deep end

I mean she looks so tired

RAW's out

harukamae 2007-09-13 18:20


Spoiler for episode 11:

MarthX 2007-09-13 18:26


Originally Posted by Sterling01 (Post 1145634)
Takano is falling off the deep end

I mean she looks so tired

RAW's out

That's why people call her Droopy.

Shiroth 2007-09-13 18:54

Spoiler for Episode 11:

Yet again the musical score for this series is played at the correct times, just like the first series. Kawai has always created such tracks that let out the right level of emotion for that scene, and they're used perfectly in this show.

Rias 2007-09-13 19:00

Hmm...well, another great epsiode, besides the minor points that went on too fast, the epsiode is nicely done.

We are now finally into the anti-climax of the story, and the real meaning of Minagoroshi-hen will soon take place. Some parts still went too fast, namely Satoko's rescue, and espically Tomi's struggle.

It's good to see Dr.Iri at the end, but he really could've talked more. It's good that they will spend more time at this anti-climax portion, since the coming epsiodes will be just as epic than what happened earlier in the arc.

Sterling01 2007-09-13 19:30


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 1145752)
Spoiler for Episode 11:

Yet again the musical score for this series is played at the correct times, just like the first series. Kawai has always created such tracks that let out the right level of emotion for that scene, and they're used perfectly in this show.

I still don't understand why they didn't use the game's music

Shiroth 2007-09-13 19:51


Originally Posted by Sterling01 (Post 1145797)
I still don't understand why they didn't use the game's music

Because they didn't choose to use it, plain and simple.

It would have been nice for the game music (like what Kyoani do with there Key adaptations), though i'm perfectly happy with a new Kawai score. I love his work, especially when it fits perfectly in Higurashi.

Klashikari 2007-09-13 19:56

Well... it is hard to say.
Frankly, i don't mind Kawai's new tracks (which are much more effective than those used for S1), but some time, it is just over used or too dull.
I'm especially referring to Satoko's outburst and hug.... to be quite blunt, the tracks were like... well a dull drama for some powerful moments. These are the only scenes i would complain in this ep for the BGM.

well then, here is the truckload of screencaps. Again, you will be spoiled if you take a peek at these, i leave that to your own discretion.
Episode 11 : Screencaps

MrZombie 2007-09-13 20:21

I do have to agree about the music. It's no where as powerful as those found in the games, hell even Matsuri's soundtrack is much, much better.

And really, I agree what the hell
Spoiler for epsiode 11:

But still, some very nice moments in this episode. I still gave it a ten despite the failings this episode had. I enjoyed the hell out of it.

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