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Quarkboy 2007-03-14 18:59

Has anyone ever subbed "Majokko Megu-chan"?
Sometimes I like to dabble in the classics, and I found a really awesome website called that sells direct downloads of LOTS of anime (mainly older stuff).

Incredibly, it works for non-japan located people and you can pay with a good 'ole credit card, and amazingly enough, it's cheap! They let you download the first episode of almost anything for free, and then it's 105 yen per episode after that (that's about 95 cents). The files are WMV 9 and pretty decent quality especially considering the quality of the show itself isn't that great. (DRM'ed, though... but what did you expect?)

Anyway, I was curious if anyone (VHS or otherwise) had ever translated this show into english. After some cursory research, it seems it had a very successful run on Italian television, but I don't see any evidence of an english version or fansub at all. It's circa 1975 magical girl anime, though, so I guess that's not too surprising.

(I'm interested in the show because it's really the spiritual ancestor of Sugar Sugar Rune...)

Access 2007-03-14 20:31

Not to my knowledge. I've watched the whole thing but unsubbed.

kuru 2007-03-16 20:35


Originally Posted by Quarkboy (Post 862701)
Anyway, I was curious if anyone (VHS or otherwise) had ever translated this show into english.

I´m pretty sure that it was never fansubbed.
Would be a really, really good project for Arienai. ;)

Quarkboy 2007-03-16 22:22


Originally Posted by kuru (Post 865212)
I´m pretty sure that it was never fansubbed.
Would be a really, really good project for Arienai. ;)

I'm considering subbing about 5 episodes for historical reasons and then offering up raws to people. I personally do NOT have the time.

Plus, actually, I find translating anime that old incredibly difficult. The audio fidelity and/or acting makes it really hard for me to hear properly. If someone wants to send me scripts, though, I'd be happy to time/encode them.

It's 72 episodes, though. Not something I'd commit to. Especially since I have a built in time limit of september when my life will change drastically in one way or the other.

Quarkboy 2007-03-17 02:15

Haha! Let me answer my own question:

It seems like about 4 episodes were translated by a VHS group circa 2002, called "Garasu no Bara" productions, but it doesn't look like they ever finished a VHs master of them.

I tried emailing the contact, but the page is 5 years old and I doubt I'll get a response. Anyone ever heard of these people and/or know the contact info?

If there are really 4 scripts out there, I'd be happy to slap them on some raws and release some classic mahou shoujo :).

Sylf 2007-03-18 08:44


Originally Posted by Quarkboy (Post 865336)
I'm considering subbing about 5 episodes for historical reasons and then offering up raws to people. I personally do NOT have the time.

Plus, actually, I find translating anime that old incredibly difficult. The audio fidelity and/or acting makes it really hard for me to hear properly. If someone wants to send me scripts, though, I'd be happy to time/encode them.

It's 72 episodes, though. Not something I'd commit to. Especially since I have a built in time limit of september when my life will change drastically in one way or the other.

If you just want to do some small section of it like 5 eps, I'd be able to help you out.

tyciol 2012-04-17 01:39

I'm also interested in seeing this series. Unfortunately the group called Destiny of Roses (Garasu no Bara) no longer seems to be at the site that Quarkboy linked. Hopefully their work can be relocated. If it is, I would love to see it listed on an animesuki tracker.

I did notice that the first episode of this has apparently been released by ARR:

Perhaps that could be a starting point to consolidate interest in locating the next 3 which are apparently already done, and then if Sylf/Boy still have interest in doing 5-9.

TheFluff 2012-04-17 05:29

if you had actually read the thread you'd have noticed that the only known translation of those three episodes were VHS fansubs from ten years ago, that couldn't be located at all even five years ago when this thread was posted. it is highly doubtful that the scripts even exist in separate form anymore, and if they do, good luck with contacting whoever is sitting on them.
e: looks like "they" (she) never finished the translation at all

also, I hear that once people claim on the internet that they will do something they are bound by that promise even five years later

Quarkboy 2012-04-17 07:32

I'll translate the show for $175 an episode as long as you promise to only use the translation for personal use and allow me to send the scripts to Toei.

DmonHiro 2012-04-17 17:44


Originally Posted by Quarkboy (Post 4112373)
I'll translate the show for $175 an episode as long as you promise to only use the translation for personal use and allow me to send the scripts to Toei.

Wow, is that how much you get payed per episode? Or just a joke?

Quarkboy 2012-04-17 21:47


Originally Posted by DmonHiro (Post 4113149)
Wow, is that how much you get payed per episode? Or just a joke?

It's a baseline, but that includes translation, editing, timing, and checking...

If you just wanted me to provide you a raw draft translation I suppose I could go much lower...

Imako 2012-04-18 09:22

Dropping by to say this is an awesome idea and I'd love to lend my eleet editan skilz should the need arise.

Inactive 2012-04-22 03:06


Originally Posted by TheFluff (Post 4112250)
if you had actually read the thread you'd have noticed that the only known translation of those three episodes were VHS fansubs from ten years ago

If you had actually read his post you'd have noticed that 1st ep is subbed already:

TheFluff 2012-04-22 18:14


Originally Posted by Inactive (Post 4121454)
If you had actually read his post you'd have noticed that 1st ep is subbed already:

and (to continue on this amusing theme) if you had actually read and understood my post (and his) you'd notice we were talking about episodes 2-4 ("the next three"/"those three episodes"), not episode 1.

read > comprehend > post

(I'm sorry if I'm being rude; I'm still trying to recover from the shock of discovering that you people take anime so fucking seriously that you actually unironically want to watch a shitty magical girl fanservice anime from 1974 so much that you actually seem to be considering paying money for it.)

False Dawn 2012-04-28 14:32

What's even more amusing/shocking is that it'd cost a cool $12,600 to get Quarkboy to translate the full series. That's a lot of moolah for some ancient fanservice.

DmonHiro 2012-04-28 17:11


Originally Posted by False Dawn (Post 4134150)
What's even more amusing/shocking is that it'd cost a cool $12,600 to get Quarkboy to translate the full series. That's a lot of moolah for some ancient fanservice.

Man, I'm in the wrong business.

Quarkboy 2012-04-28 17:41


Originally Posted by DmonHiro (Post 4134365)
Man, I'm in the wrong business.

Think about how many man-hours of work it is to translate a 72 episode series from the late 70s with no script and maybe you'll reconsider...

DmonHiro 2012-04-29 02:21


Originally Posted by Quarkboy (Post 4134402)
Think about how many man-hours of work it is to translate a 72 episode series from the late 70s with no script and maybe you'll reconsider...

That's a good point. I wonder how long it would take. :confused:

Zalis 2012-04-30 13:16


Originally Posted by TheFluff (Post 4122974)
(I'm sorry if I'm being rude; I'm still trying to recover from the shock of discovering that you people take anime so fucking seriously that you actually unironically want to watch a shitty magical girl fanservice anime from 1974 so much that you actually seem to be considering paying money for it.)

And I'm sure you've seen enough of it to actually know if it's shitty or not...?

TheFluff 2012-04-30 14:06


Originally Posted by Zalis (Post 4137848)
And I'm sure you've seen enough of it to actually know if it's shitty or not...?

This is actually a pretty interesting post. Disregarding the somewhat nonsensical argument that you'd have to watch a show that is described as a "magical girl fanservice anime" in order to know that it is shitty (it's pretty much shitty by definition), there's the much more interesting subject of the general watchability of anime from the 1970's to deal with.

In anime, the 70's as an era can pretty much be said to have lasted between 1970 (Ashita no Joe, which is pretty much The Beginning of Anime) and late 1978 or early 1979 (Kidou Senshi Gundam, Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999; these all belong to the 80's more than they belong to the 70's). During this time period, about 150 anime series were produced for television. Today, about three (or maybe five if you're feeling really generous) of these can be considered to have been so influential or are so historically significant that they might be worth watching for someone who is a huge anime nerd, but you'd better bring a lot of fucking patience because most of them are really fucking boring, even to an interested viewer. Note that I said "influential or historically significant", not "good". They might have been A Thing at the time, but to a modern viewer they just aren't very interesting. At all.

Either way, Majokko Megu-chan is not one of those influential series, and thus, there really aren't any legitimate reasons for watching at all. [mod edit: removed attack] There are three thousand years' worth of literature out there waiting for you if human imagination is your thing, or fifteen billion light years of universe in any direction waiting to be explored if the wonders of nature is your thing.

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