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xris 2006-11-20 08:47

Code Geass Favourite Characters Poll
By request, it's time for a Code Geass Favourite Characters Poll! This poll is a multiple choice poll and while we won’t restrict you from voting for every character, please try to limit your choice to your top 3 or 4 picks if you can. If you like the entire cast equally, then so be it, but if you can narrow it down a bit, then that’s even better. If you like one character the most, then don’t feel the need to vote for anymore.

Please remember that once you make your vote you may not "come back" later to add or change your previous vote(s). So make sure you know all the characters you want to include in your vote before you click the "Vote Now" button.

And of course the vote is public, so your votes will be visible to all. :)

To help you put names to faces, Sonhex has created a who's who.
This image is taken from the official on-line Code Geass Poll.

Thread Rules
  • No campaigning for votes.
    Any post with "Vote for…/Do not vote for..." verbiage will be deleted. Discuss why you do or don’t like characters without campaigning for votes.

  • Do not insult or harass other members for their choices.
    Please remember: this is for fun. Do not take it so seriously that you end up in an argument with another forum member because they express a fondness for a character you loathe. Discussion and good spirited banter is always welcome, but harassing people won’t be tolerated.

  • Have fun, but post intelligently.
    It’s great to have fun, but please try your best to add substance to what you post and make your thoughts interesting for the generation of fans that will follow after you’re long gone and on to watching some other series.

Sonhex 2006-11-20 10:01

Well, the official on-line Code Geass Character Popularity Poll intermediate rankings so far (as of 2006/11/19) are as follows:

1. Lelouch
2. Karen
3. Suzaku

4th was C.C and 5th was Jeremiah (orange power ftw). Since these initial results C.C has apparently now dropped down to 5th (negative feedback to product placement?), but it doesn't say who is now 4th. lol :p

Source: Code Geass official blog

Shiroth 2006-11-20 10:35

This is such a hard poll.. i just wanna vote for them all. For now.. i'm just gonna have to choose four of my fav's out of the lot.

Nanaly = I have one hell of a soft spot for her, so she'd probably end up being my fav' from the series. Her moe side is what stands out, as well as her caring nature that i just love.

Lelouch = Heh, everyones going to vote for him - there's no reason not to. :3

Cornelia = Her kick arse attitude wins for me. Also, her drive to defeat Zero can be a nice lil' fetish.

C.C. = Yet again, i'd be a fool not to chose her. She wins for just being herself.

It was hard to just choose four, but i'd like to say - if it was allowed, i'd choose them all. o/

Dagger 2006-11-20 10:53

I voted for C.C. and Yuffie/Euphemia. I actually don't like Lelouch (Suzaku is probably my favorite out of the male characters, but none of them really thrill me). I would have voted for Shirley as well, since she's my third favorite female character, but I was trying to restrain myself.

bergman 2006-11-20 11:18

I was the first one to vote but slow on posting but i think "Lelouch Lamperouge / Zero" is kinda intresting.

Shiroth 2006-11-20 11:20

I do adore Suzaku's sense of justice, he also wins many points for bringing one hell of a smile to Nanaly's face in episode 06. :3

White Manju Bun 2006-11-20 12:27

I voted for Lulu/Zero. I like his style and his characteristic that resemble Light from Death Note. Plus I cant wait to see him take down the Emporer!!

Interesting that even tho Lulu is in 1st right now with this poll, the vote is really spread out. Poor Suzuka tho XD Tight race also between Shirley and C.C. right now. It will be interesting to see how voting changes as the series moves forward.

Cal-Reflector 2006-11-20 13:21

Leulouch: Because he is the Black Prince, can mind controll people, and will literally build himself a harem when he becomes Emperor.

C.C.: Because she pwns Leulouch is a tough-loving sort of way, models for Pizza Hut, and leads the pack in the race to become Leulouch's Queen.

Karen: Because she's mixed, has a double identity like Leulouch, have kissed (?) and have seen each other naked (while he has). Then again C.C. is sleeping with Leulouch so... *Is dragged away*

Nanaly: Because Leulouch has a hidden sister-complex and loves her more than all the girls and Suzaku combined.

Millay: Because she "interests" coincides with ours, coming with ideas to creat fanservicy situations. Also, in this imaginative mind of mine, when Leulouch becomes Emperor, he'll reward the Ashford family for their years of protection by raising them to prominence... by making Millay his queen. I would like to see this happen.

EragonJeriel 2006-11-20 14:21

Lol pizza chan :D
Lelouch - dont he just pwns? Could be more popular if he turns a little more *black*, killing people instead of just asking them to forget this or that
Karen - hot?
C.C -cos she pwns lelouch ass hard
Edit: cool top 3, as expected!
suzaku suzaku and more suzaku
I hate his looks and kira wanna be attitude

-KarumA- 2006-11-20 14:50

lelouch ftw!
good going with the name plate piccies image =D

kazekiri 2006-11-20 14:53

Suzaku: Kira-complex or not, I like him. He knows the people he's serving are unjust and wants to change that. Plus the whole 'opposite approach yet similar goal' dynamic with Lelouch is interesting.

Karen: She's cute, tough and assertive and she knows how to pilot a Knightmare. The fact that she's gotten naked on camera already hasn't hurt. Plus her background is interesting and I hope it gets explored more. Easily my favorite female character.

Nanaly: I find her reactions to things she can't see really cute (especially the champagne scene) and she absolutely stole the ending of episode six. Plus she can tell that a cat has an injured leg just by hearing it walk.

Millay: Do I really need to explain this? Ok, her constant teasing of Shirley is priceless and her idea of fun school activities is even better. A welcome change from the usual student council president formula. Guts!

Didn't vote for Lelouch for only one reason: His fashion sense sucks. I know, he made the costume to be flamboyant but there's such a thing as going too far.

Klashikari 2006-11-20 15:03

Lelouch : do i really have to comment this? XD
as said already, Lelouch simply owns : deep background, half way between a protagonist and "anti" hero with the least impression of exageration. and he is just too classy ^^

Suzaku : though he was like Kira of GS/GSD, he was a very interesting vision of the world, and he is rather rational idealist (pretty contradictory, right? XD). Also, his sense of justice is not that" fancy". this is the most important thing with him : though he aknowledge the worthlessness of britannia, he doesn't judge with only this kind of superficial judgement, etc. the only problem with his reasoning is the rather idealist manner to solve the matter, while it would be a bit too long and also a waste since he can be killed at any moment.

C.C. : Though in Chess, the King is the most important piece, the Queen is rather the powerhouse ^^. CC simply owns hard lelouch, and didn't show everything she can do yet.

Cornelia : we have a bad ass protagonist, now a ultimate bad ass antagonist. Cornelia is simply the "not dumb" antagonist expected so far for this kind of story. Hail to Cornelia !

Sonhex 2006-11-20 15:09

So I voted for:

Lelouch/Zero: More for Zero because in his disguise he's totally theatrical and so over-the-top.

C.C: Who wouldn't love an undead green-haired, telepathic, pizza-loving chick with a penchant for cosplay?

Karen: Episode 3 (17:56 to 21:00)

Cornelia: Quite simply she's badass.

Jeremiah: I have great sympathy for poor Jeremiah because he's not guilty of anything at all and yet is getting punished for the phantom orange conspiracy. Ganbare orange-kun.

The Emperor: For the hair. And his seiyuu, Norio Wakamoto. This guy has the most incredible voice. Ever.

Arthur: Any cat that can pwn Lelouch deserves my vote!

(I know that's 7, sorry)

Shiroth 2006-11-20 15:56


Originally Posted by Sonhex (Post 745475)
The Emperor: For the hair. And his seiyuu, Norio Wakamoto. This guy has the most incredible voice. Ever.

I have to agree with you there - he's got the all mighty powerful voice that works perfectly with that type of characters. Its worked in the past with shows like Tekkaman Blade, Demonbane, Dragonball Z, Soul Link, RG Veda.. okay, i'll shush now. ^^;;

EragonJeriel 2006-11-20 16:03


Originally Posted by kazekiri (Post 745458)
Suzaku: Kira-complex or not, I like him. He knows the people he's serving are unjust and wants to change that. Plus the whole 'opposite approach yet similar goal' dynamic with Lelouch is interesting.

Karen: She's cute, tough and assertive and she knows how to pilot a Knightmare. The fact that she's gotten naked on camera already hasn't hurt. Plus her background is interesting and I hope it gets explored more. Easily my favorite female character.

Nanaly: I find her reactions to things she can't see really cute (especially the champagne scene) and she absolutely stole the ending of episode six. Plus she can tell that a cat has an injured leg just by hearing it walk.

Millay: Do I really need to explain this? Ok, her constant teasing of Shirley is priceless and her idea of fun school activities is even better. A welcome change from the usual student council president formula. Guts!

Didn't vote for Lelouch for only one reason: His fashion sense sucks. I know, he made the costume to be flamboyant but there's such a thing as going too far.

He didnt had a custom designer for the suit all right?!!? He figured he would made do with any as long as the mask is there. Upon rewatching episode 1 , realise i somewhat dislike shirley, she calls lelouch and almost got him killed... and she stopped karen and lelouchn from talking in the school garden, i bet it was intentional using the lesson as an excuse. (as it appears to her).
Oh and --All Hail King Arthur-- *the cat*
First for biting suzaku, good one! and secondly for making up a whole episode with the mask thingy.
Anyway, was the king in episode one when lelouch got the geass, the king of britainnia, i swear the hair looks very similiar

Sonhex 2006-11-22 15:59

Exciting news friends. The tension rises in the official on-line Code Geass Character Popularity Poll:

Lelouch retains the top spot (no surprises there), but Suzaku makes a surprise leap to second place. Everyone's favourite tomboy Karen drops one place after failing to capitalize her vote winning shower scene from episode 3.

C.C claws her way back up to 4th place rallied after suffering from negative pizza fallout from episode 6. Jeremiah continues to be plagued by the orange conspiracy and tumbles one spot to 5th. The biggest rise is for Nanaly, clearly our beloved crippled imouto-chan is illiciting the sympathy vote, and propels herself to 6th place. Shirley slides one place to 8th after everyone realised she looks better with her clothes on. Milly makes a spirited new entry at number 9 with Euphemia following closely at number 10. But the big question remains: just who the hell is voting for Lloyd?

Current rankings as of 2006/11/23 are:

1 Lelouch
2 Suzaku (^1)
3 Karen (v1)
4 C.C. (^1 )
5 Jeremiah (v1)

6 Nanaly (^2)
7 Lloyd (v1)
8 Shirley (v1)
9 Milly
10 Euphemia

Source: Code Geass official blog

Deathkillz 2006-11-22 16:18

oh comeon its soo tempting to just vote for the whole main cast :heh: i think ill give it more time before i pick my top 5 otherwise it wont be fair :p

W-General 2006-11-24 17:46

#1: Lelouch. I've just about had enough of Kira Yamato type Jesus characters. GO MACHIAVELLIAN MAIN CHARACTER!

#2: C.C. - the reason why Code Geass is Code GREAT ASS! Ohhhhhh the hotness.....!!!!!
Pizza Hut's new official mascot. How many pizza hut stamps until my C.C. hug pillow?

McMilk 2006-11-24 22:51

1. Karen Stadtfeld - Partly because I'm a big Ami Koshimizu fan, and partly because she somewhat has the "Cagalli Nature"....I dunno, she just does. To me, at least.

2. Lelouch Lamperouge - I like his slight evil personality...unlike those heroic people who always say, "I MUST DO THIS! I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE!!"

And I hate Suzaku. He reminds me SO much of Syaoran from Tsubasa Chronicles...

LCeh 2006-11-24 23:01


Originally Posted by McMilk (Post 749362)
1. Karen Stadtfeld - Partly because I'm a big Ami Koshimizu fan, and partly because she somewhat has the "Cagalli Nature"....I dunno, she just does. To me, at least.

2. Lelouch Lamperouge - I like his slight evil personality...unlike those heroic people who always say, "I MUST DO THIS! I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE!!"

And I hate Suzaku. He reminds me SO much of Syaoran from Tsubasa Chronicles...

Interesting, I have the same problem with Suzaku. I don't like the naive hero type like Naruto or Renton from Eureka 7, but I didn't really have a problem with Syaoran.

And I don't think I want to vote yet, since not even half of the episodes are aired yet, but one thing for sure is I will be voting for C.C. :D

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