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Maceart 2006-03-24 23:01

Kanon 2006 (Generic Discussion)
Perhaps I'm wrong, but another heads up from Haeleth is the Kanon 2006 TV series, re done by Kyoto Animation and with the same opening/ending as from the game instead of a new one.

Can anyone help me translate this?

kj1980 2006-03-24 23:16


Originally Posted by Maceart
Perhaps I'm wrong, but another heads up from Haeleth is the Kanon 2006 TV series, re done by Kyoto Animation and with the same opening/ending as from the game instead of a new one.

Can anyone help me translate this?

Rundown: Kyoto Animation, the gods of high-quality sakuga anime, has announced that they are doing their own "Kanon" TV series to air this fall on BS-i.

My take: While Toei's "Kanon" back in 2001 was moderately successful, many fans (including myself) preferred the job that Kyoto Animation pulled off on "AIR."

Maceart 2006-03-24 23:25

Thanks for the quick reply kj1980.

And now I'm speechless. This is amazing! I get to see Shiori in ultra high quality animated masterpiece greatness!

Hmmm... perhaps Kyoto will really go on and make a Planetarian Movie...

Catgirls 2006-03-24 23:28


Originally Posted by kj1980
Rundown: Kyoto Animation, the gods of high-quality sakuga anime, has announced that they are doing their own "Kanon" TV series to air this fall on BS-i.

Oh wow! Kyo, eh...that's awesome! This will go on my watch list for sure.

Kamui4356 2006-03-24 23:37

KyoAni's doing a remake of Kanon?! Great news. :D I can't wait for this one. To think we'll actually get to see Kanon with the animation it deserves!

justsomeguy 2006-03-24 23:40

...There is a God! The original Kanon was already one of my favorites; now it's gonna get even better!
I hope Ayu wins again.

That said, please, Triad! I know some of your members worked on the original; please sub this too!

...wait a minute, there's gonna be a Clannad movie in 2007 by Toei Animation? Would Kyoto do a companion anime? This is just too much!

bluemist 2006-03-24 23:47

WOW! A remake!

Since Kyoto Animation made AIR I was thinking that they'd do the rest of Key's game lineup... but I never expected them to backtrack and re-do Kanon.

A canon Kanon... interesting. Hopefully another benchmark forward in this genre.

Kamui4356 2006-03-24 23:54


Originally Posted by justsomeguy
...wait a minute, there's gonna be a Clannad movie in 2007 by Toei Animation? Would Kyoto do a companion anime? This is just too much!

I hope so. The AIR movie was animated by toei as well, wasn't it? Perhaps a Clannad tv series will be KyoAni's next project after Kanon? Pure speculation though.

By the way, perhaps that one bit should be in a spoiler tag? It's possible people who never played the game or saw the original because they were turned off by the animation might want to see this because of KyoAni's work on AIR.

relentlessflame 2006-03-24 23:55

Despite the art (edit: actually, I didn't mind it at all, to be honest - I even liked it), the original Kanon anime is still one of my favorites. The fact that they're remaking it (and it'll be in HD too, I'm sure)... wow! With the amount of source material out there today, I never would have expected them to go back and revisit old "classics", but I'm not complaining in the slightest. :p That probably means that we can expect a Clannad TV anime in 2007 to go with the already-announced movie. Great! The more Key stuff, the better, as far as I'm concerned. (I can already hear the people chanting "overrated" already, but not in my books. :p ) Now, I just hope that it comes straight to BluRay...

darkchibi07 2006-03-24 23:59

A remake of Kanon only it's going to have godlike animation thanks to Kyoto Animation? Not complaining one bit! :cool:

justsomeguy 2006-03-25 00:01


Originally Posted by Kamui4356
By the way, perhaps that one bit should be in a spoiler tag?

Well, there's no indication that Kyoto Animation will definitely go with the Ayu route. (if they don't that would suck. ~uguu)

I do not consider a 4 year old story to be a spoiler... unless that fact that Vader is Luke's dad and that Aeris dies should be spoilers too.

Dragnfly@Gamefaqs 2006-03-25 01:24

Hell, even if they redid the old series verbatim with that excellent artwork I'd be happy.

I'm really looking forward to this because I did like the Kanon anime but felt several groups could have done far better jobs.

Daniel E. 2006-03-25 02:00

Great news indeed. :)

I barely remember the original show, but I'll be sure to watch this new version when it pops out.

Sorrow-K 2006-03-25 02:43

Considering that everything Kyoto Animation touches turns to gold (aesthetically, I mean), this is really exciting news. The thing I'm concerned about: will they change the story in any way?

Unfounded fears, most probably...

Sushi-Y 2006-03-25 02:46

Kyoani on "Kanon"?

*thinks about the meaning for a second* *begins mental delusion*

The report mentioned a trailer, I'm gonna extend all my feelers to find this one.

Kanna 2006-03-25 02:47


Originally Posted by justsomeguy
That said, please, Triad! I know some of your members worked on the original; please sub this too!

I have indeed worked on the original (with AnimeINC, not Triad) and I am NOT looking forward to this. Well maybe, depends on how much less the series bores me. If the pacing is anything like the first one, I won't be touching it with any length of pole.

That said, I was perfectly fine with the ending with Nayuki, hope that happens again. Ayu's just too annoying. Oh, and I hope they fix the mouth-to-chin proportions.

npal 2006-03-25 02:59


Originally Posted by Kanna
I have indeed worked on the original (with AnimeINC, not Triad) and I am NOT looking forward to this. Well maybe, depends on how much less the series bores me. If the pacing is anything like the first one, I won't be touching it with any length of pole.

That said, I was perfectly fine with the ending with Nayuki, hope that happens again. Ayu's just too annoying. Oh, and I hope they fix the mouth-to-chin proportions.

Don't say that too loud in a hardcore Kanon fan thread :p

And the ending was Ayu's... Poor Nayuki... My favorite character :sad:

relentlessflame 2006-03-25 03:35


Originally Posted by Sorrow-K
The thing I'm concerned about: will they change the story in any way?

Unfounded fears, most probably...

Well, if anything, I think it'll be closer to the game in terms of story, not further from it. I thought the original Kanon anime worked pretty well as a standalone anime (and I'll always have a soft spot for that OP), but as kj1980 said, a lot of the game fans weren't as impressed. So, I can only imagine that the production team's big objective this time has got to be to please the game fans - and since most game fans agree that they rose to the occasion with Air, I think we can expect nothing less from the new Kanon.

MakubeX2 2006-03-25 06:15

Regarding the Cast:-

川澄 舞:田村ゆかり
美坂 栞:佐藤 朱

Nothing's change. Good.

And the Staff :-
オープニングテーマ「Last regrets」/彩菜

Most of those guys work on AIR before. Good or bad, I seriously don't know.

Keitarou 2006-03-25 07:58

Burn them people complaining about Kanon alive! :D

Anyway, by far the best news I've heard in a few years. The original Kanon series was pretty good, actually it was the series which pretty much influenced my addiction to the whole b-game thing etc.. Despite obvious shortcomings I felt they did a good job on combining the overlapping stories and make the whole thing reasonable and well conveyed. In comparison I'm not as hyped up about the AIR series, while the animation is definitely godlike, the series itself suffered from a few flaws.

Anyway, looking forward to it of course. Animation will be probably godlike as well and as long as it ends up with Ayu route again I'll surely enjoy it. Hell, who am I kidding, I'll enjoy it in any case being the Kanon fan I am. This news is almost too good to be true. :)

And remember Kanon > everything else :)

Oh and good that the old seiyuu cast is back again. I sure wouldn't like to hear anybody else than Yui Horie as Ayu's voice.

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