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marvelB 2023-11-07 15:01

One Piece - Chapter 1098 [manga]
Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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Let's get to business! Credit goes to Redon and Pewpiece (another regular provider):

-Chapter title is "Bonney's birth". Splash features Brooke, as well as a message from Oda, apologizing for not completing this chapter's manuscript on time (you can even tell the art has a rougher, sketchier look about it).

-We learn Ginny's fate: She was kidnapped by the Celestial Dragons, and forced to marry one of them! After two years of being a slave, they eventually let her go..... not because they were being generous, but because she caught a deadly disease under them.

-The dying Ginny manages to make contact with the RA and Kuma, the latter of whom immediately rushes to her side! Unfortunately, by the time he reaches her, it's too late.... she succumbed to her illness, which turned her body blue and encrusted with stones. However, he also discovers that she had given birth to her daughter before passing.... Bonney.

-Kuma decides to raise the girl as his own, with the assistance of the town's elders. We see the two of them growing up together as the years pass. While Kuma juggled between fatherhood and his RA duties at first, he eventually quit the army to take care of Bonney full time.... and figure out how to cure her of her illness, which she inherited from her late mother. Eventually, he finds a doctor who can diagnose her disease: Sapphire Scale. Any form of natural light causes the illness to spread faster, but even if kept completely sheltered, it would only be a matter of time before she succumbs to it..... which the doctor says would be by the time she reaches her tenth birthday. Naturally, Kuma is devastated by the news. but finds himself lying to Bonney after she overheard part of the conversation, telling the five year old that she'll be cured when she turns ten....

-A year later, yet another complication pops up in Kuma's life as Becori, the former king of Sorbet, rears his ugly head again! He seems to be seeking power once more, and has began burning down the homes of the poor....!!!!

grecefar 2023-11-07 15:39

Seriously? a CD is bonnie's father?, that's sick....

Props to those who predicted that bonnie was a kid.

marvelB 2023-11-07 15:52

^Honestly, I'm pretty darn shocked that Oda's basically admitting that Bonney was a product of rape. He kinda tiptoed around such a touchy subject in the past (like with the Boa sisters' history, or Charloss forcing a random woman to marry him when we're first introduced to the guy), but this is more..... direct, I suppose? And it even seems implied that Ginny caught an STD during her time in captivity, which just makes things all the more dark.... damn. It's kinda no wonder Kuma chose to become a mindless machine, knowing all the horrors he and those connected to him went through..... :(

Kanon 2023-11-07 16:35

I was well aware of the theories Bonney was a rape baby but I really didn't think Oda would go this far. Rape had only been implied until now, but here there's no ifs or buts.

Now that rape is on the table, I hope brutally killing villains who deserve it is, too. Enough of that "Luffy ruined their dreams, it's worse than death" crap, especially when we have people like Charlos, Wapol (not so much now) and Crocodile who are thriving.

I don't watch the anime but I wonder how they're going to handle it. It's a sensitive topic for an anime watched by the entire family over there.

Anyway, Kuma has perhaps the worst backstory in One Piece's history. Definitely in the top 3.

Gerard07 2023-11-07 17:20

Seeing the spoilers, I had thought "that" possibility about Ginny and Bonney..., but to think that Oda would really make it happen..., and it also explains why Akainu and Saturn was a little soft with his treatment of her (or at least that impression was given to me), and congratulations to those who got Bonney's age right, I suppose that in the next chapter they will begin to explain why Kuma became a cyborn, wait for the next chapter!.

Homura7 2023-11-07 17:26

The day the Celestial Dragons will all be slaughtered can't come soon enough. And let me tell you in advance, it won't be pretty.

Collbrande-Ex 2023-11-07 17:45


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6562745)
I was well aware of the theories Bonney was a rape baby but I really didn't think Oda would go this far. Rape had only been implied until now, but here there's no ifs or buts.

Now that rape is on the table, I hope brutally killing villains who deserve it is, too. Enough of that "Luffy ruined their dreams, it's worse than death" crap, especially when we have people like Charlos, Wapol (not so much now) and Crocodile who are thriving.

I don't watch the anime but I wonder how they're going to handle it. It's a sensitive topic for an anime watched by the entire family over there.

Anyway, Kuma has perhaps the worst backstory in One Piece's history. Definitely in the top 3.

Couldn't Kuma just get one happy moment in his life, every chapter of Kuma's backstory just gets more depressing. If this keeps up people will need therapy after this backstory.

Better question did Bonney know about her heritage? Pretty sure she would know about her terminal disease.

I am guessing the Pacifista conversion deal was a trade for Bonney's DF and her safety.

The tyrant was from Kuma singlehandedly overthrowing the Sorbet kingdom and leaving the WG.

Seriously Oda is willing to go as far as rape but killing a villain is a no go :frustrated::frustrated:. Recently he seems to be more trigger happy with killing any good character.

Does Oda believe that there sre still One Piece readers that do not utterly despise the Celestial Dragons and dream


Originally Posted by Void (Post 6562752)
The day the Celestial Dragons will all be slaughtered can't come soon enough. And let me tell you in advance, it won't be pretty.

Agreed but first tell them Nika is back and they have racked up quite a tab with him so far.

espec22 2023-11-07 17:47

Wait, what would happens if Bonnie has the DNA of one of the Elders? Does that mean that she can control the Mini warlords?

patnam 2023-11-07 20:29

now I predict where Kuma currently going to, probably to kill the CD once and for all...

Rainbowman 2023-11-08 07:32


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 6562744)
^Honestly, I'm pretty darn shocked that Oda's basically admitting that Bonney was a product of rape. He kinda tiptoed around such a touchy subject in the past (like with the Boa sisters' history, or Charloss forcing a random woman to marry him when we're first introduced to the guy), but this is more..... direct, I suppose? And it even seems implied that Ginny caught an STD during her time in captivity, which just makes things all the more dark.... damn. It's kinda no wonder Kuma chose to become a mindless machine, knowing all the horrors he and those connected to him went through..... :(

If Eren Yeager were to crossover to this dimension and witness these kinds of horrors, he would find a way to slaughter all the people committing said horrors.

Ramero 2023-11-08 08:39

The only remaining mystery is who is the person that heals Bonney up to this point. If Bonney's life, by the doctor's verdict, will end during the beginning of the Straw Hat's journey, there are few plausible theories.

One theory of the cause Kuma voluntarily becomes a test subject is so Vegapunk can cure her diseases should Vegapunk find the cure for her.

As for Bonney, her motive become pirate could be clear enough, to find and rescue Kuma. Assuming Oda's current SBS stated that she's 12 years old, she'll be 10 years old pre-time skip.

Hoodspirit 2023-11-08 12:37

Do we know of methods in the One Piece world that protects against childbirth like condoms? We did have Sanji's porn magazines at the start of WCI, but I can't remember any other sex related goods besides that.

If not, then we can safely say that Kuma never had sex with her.
This means Ginny was freed at the age of 13, spent her life with someone who never committed to her love as much as she wanted to, only to have her first time forcefully taken at the age of 37 with someone she hated.

Wandering Soul 2023-11-08 17:24

Bonney being the daughter of a CD does explain how she's still alive after being at Akainu's mercy, which was always one of my biggest questions regarding her.

WyrdMonger 2023-11-09 03:00

Here’s a theory:
Ginny was deliberately given her disease by her husband, likely out of sport.
I believe the CDs have a cure on hand, in case they were accidentally infected.
Probably by some chance meeting with Saturn, during his time at Egghead, Kuma learned of the cure and agreed to become the pacifista prototype in excahnge for it.

Magin 2023-11-09 04:16

Wow.... just wow.

Considering we're getting near the end overall, Oda is deciding to really take dark turns with One Piece. Before we had a demonstration of Blackbeard acting like what you'd really associate a pirate with... and now the circumstances of Bonney's birth.

With all the terrible things that the CDs have done... and where this manga is slowly headed, makes me wonder what other things Oda has in store. He's already crossing a line now, so how much further is he willing to go is the next question.

Gerard07 2023-11-09 14:05

Having seen the chapter, I don't have much to add; Kuma is one of the best characters in One Piece (I hope they explain soon why she decided to become a cyborn) and as for Bonney, I guess it was Vegapunk who cured her (it would explain why they know each other) although I would. I would like them to explain how he became a cyborn. such a renowned pirate being so young (I know that her Akuma no mi allows her to change her age at will but I mean the mental aspect, I don't know, maybe something happened that made her mature and grow faster or something like that), well, let's hope the next chapter!.

~Yami~ 2023-11-13 06:04

Kuma's indecisiveness cost him a lot.. I didn't expect NTR to happen.
Also this is where we will find the connection between Vegapunk, Kuma, and Bonnie I think.
this backstory is so dark. Oda really find many ways to make us hate Tenryuubito more

P_Dezz 2023-11-21 02:35


Originally Posted by patnam (Post 6562766)
now I predict where Kuma currently going to, probably to kill the CD once and for all...

nah he was just there and bailed, my opinion, Kuma going to Egghead and pull off an Android 16 on Saturn

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